must try it! by Rajjar 2011/08/28 17:27
Do this three step one by one:-

1.Go to Google
2.Type:- mov0001.swf
3.Click on the first link
all of you must try this.....

abbey4united 2011/08/28 17:31
iw try it bt its 4wat?
Rajjar 2011/08/28 17:34
Quote: abbey4united: iw try it bt its 4wat?
just try it on google! /smiley

EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/08/28 17:41
I heard about it but didnt get a chance to try it.
Rajjar 2011/08/28 17:42
Quote: Omn3s_Vinc3re: I heard about it but didnt get a chance to try it.
so please try it now /smiley

Abhishek 2011/08/28 17:47
Stupid prank, might frighten girls at night. /smiley
MaG 2011/08/28 17:54
i got pranked! /smiley
captswit 2011/08/28 17:56
Oh my!
MaG 2011/08/28 17:56
Quote: Abby: Stupid prank, might frighten girls at night. /smiley
wat abt u /smiley /smiley

Manal 2011/08/28 18:32
No way maybe can crash the computer/smileymy norton popups blocker alert
_rOcK_ 2011/08/28 19:05
lol its dangerous....
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2011/08/28 19:18
Quote: _rOcK_oN_: lol its dangerous....
yup /smiley

GhAyAl 2011/08/28 19:40
Watz d result???
Tlight 2011/08/28 20:40
Is that all u gat?
Manal 2011/08/28 21:10
Beware of clicking any links via adds
sassie 2011/08/28 22:10
Quote: Rajjar: Do this three step one by one:-

1.Go to Google
2.Type:- mov0001.swf
3.Click on the first link
all of you must try this.....
its scary /smiley

LoneLy_heArt 2011/08/29 02:41
ok, let me try it/smiley
jay6600 2011/08/29 03:04
Pretty Crappy
waleed_khan 2011/08/29 03:18
oh wats that
SpArKo 2011/08/29 06:39
I realy dont wanna try but i will still check it out /smiley
Manal 2011/08/29 07:49
Have antivirus or anti spyware or phishing or insecticides be4 u open any links-hahaha-
Replies: 24

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