Bring Me a Smiley Game by Kanchan 2011/08/27 11:29
Ok guys. . how much are u playful with our smilies? -gap- Here's a simple game to test ur familiarity with our smilies and will test ur searching speed in FAQs -hehe- Here's the game mechanics:

Through shoutbox im gonna post this topic link and all u have to do is to bring/give me a smiley showing the thing i'm asking.
Just please post ur smiley in this topic. The first to post the correct smiley wins 70 plusses and the second to post a different smiley but a correct one wins 30 plusses!

plusses prize upgraded. .


Winners: _FiRe_fLiEs_ and manal-clap-

Now let's bring it up to another level, i'l ask for a smiley in a form of either puzzle or story and u just bring the appropriate smiley which fits to what is asked.-ok-

I want a bait! I want a bait! I wanna catch this thing swimming in the lake!

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A junkyard for threads to be deleted later.