anyone help me by _ToM-CrUisE_ 2011/08/21 17:49
how i break my security code in nokia handsat? I 4get my password i want to restore all the data.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/08/21 19:29
What password ? Of phone ? How you forgot.
SOTY_BLAST 2011/08/21 22:58
Use 12345
Muwale 2011/08/22 06:37
Dont have any idea.
Godwin94 2011/08/22 14:39
MaG 2011/08/24 05:35
Quote: Godwin94: *#7780#
It will format

qudus1 2011/08/27 19:20
Search google 4 this site based on fones
taher143 2011/08/28 19:31
which mobil bro pls tel nokia or any other modul
taher143 2011/08/28 19:33
nokia *#7380#
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