To see the letter "K" in your dream, implies that something is "okay". Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on someone named "Kay" or whose initial starts with K.
To convert to Kabbalism or dream of Kabbalism, signifies your connection with God and your understanding of the world you live in. You need to gain a better insight of your surroundings and environment.
To see a kaleidoscope in your dream, symbolizes the different fragments and facets that make up character. Various aspects of your life are coming together. Alternatively a kaleidoscope foretells of difficulties in achieving your goals and choosing your path in life.
To see a kangaroo in your dream, refers to maternal and paternal protection. You may be expressing your nurturing and mothering nature. Perhaps, you are being too overly protective. Alternatively, a kangaroo symbolizes aggression. If the kangaroo is hopping, then the dream is analogous to how you jump from one thing to another. You lack the ability to stick to one thing.
To dream that a kangaroo attacks you, indicates that your reputation is being called into question.
To dream that you are taking part in karaoke, suggests that you are too overly confident in your abilities. Alternatively, you may not be utilizing your talents to its fullest potential.
To dream about karma, represents your relationships and what you give and receive from others. Consider if the feel of the dream is a positive or negative one.
To see a kayak or go kayaking in your dream, indicates that you are emotionally well balanced. You are in tune with your feelings. Alternatively, the dream means that you are succeeding through your own willpower, determination and drive. Keep up your energy!
To dream of a keepsake, represents your acceptance to love and being loved. The keepsake in your dream may serve to remind you of how far you have come and what you have been through.
To see a keg in your dream, symbolizes your struggles against adversity. If the keg is full, then it suggests that you need to carry on the same course. If the keg is empty, then it indicates that you need to deviate from your plans. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you need to conserve your energy.
To see kelp in your dream, symbolizes the emotional difficulties that you experience in life. Although you might get caught up in it at some point in your life, you will persevere.
To dream that you are at the kennel, indicates that you are feeling shut out of some situation or relationship. It may also represents feeling of being unwanted or unloved.
To see or eat ketchup in your dream, represents simplicity, youth, and happiness. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on your need to "catch up" on something.
To see a kettle in your dream, symbolizes the mundane aspects of your life. Perhaps you are taking certain things for granted or overlooking something or someone.
To see a kettle of boiling water in your dreams, signifies great and laborious work ahead. If the kettle is whistling, then it indicates that your emotions have literally reached the boiling point. Some heated emotion needs your immediate attention.
To see a key in your dream, symbolizes opportunities, access, control, secrets, freedom, knowledge or responsibilities. You may be locking away your own inner feelings and emotions. Or you are unlocking the answer to some problem. In particular, a ring of keys, represents status, authority, and power. It also highlights your adaptability to a situation. If the key is gold, then it suggests that influence, power and wealth will give you access to almost anything you want.
Alternatively, keys have sexual connotations. They can represent intercourse, impotence, infidelity, etc. depending on the condition and usage of the key.
To dream that you lose your keys, signify fears of losing control of yourself or losing your position or status in life. It may also indicate unexpected changes, frustrations, and unpleasant adventures. The dream could be analogous to lost or missed opportunities. If you give your key away, then it suggests that you have given up control of some situation or responsibility.
To dream that you find a key, indicates that you have found a solution to a problem.
To see broken keys in your dream, represent a lost in status. You are denied access to a place where you were previously allowed. If the key is rusty, then it symbolizes a talent or skill that you have neglected.
To hear the sound of keys rattling, indicate that you have the right attitude toward life. You are heading in the right direction and asking all the right questions in the process. It is also a sign of decisive action.
To see a computer keyboard in your dream, indicates that there is a message that you need to get out. The keyboard also symbolizes something that you have to get done.
To see or play a musical keyboard in your dream, represents harmony. Your life is well balanced.
To dream that you are peeping through a keyhole, suggests that you do not have full view of some situation. You need to gain a better perspective on things. Alternatively, it indicates that you are overstepping your boundaries and prying into other people's business.
To dream that someone is looking through a keyhole, suggests that your privacy is being invaded. Alternatively, the dream means that you are shutting others out.