Jackie Chan is alive by MaG 2011/08/19 02:35
Jackie chan is alive and still kicking.
Rumours of Jackie Chan's death sent Twitter into overdrive until the actor's Facebook page debunked the story. It all began with a memorial page titled ''Jackie Chan RIP 08/17/2011''

EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/08/19 04:18
Nothing new. Retweets are done foolishly at times by many. Nothing new.
Rajjar 2011/08/19 05:56
Was jackie ill? hows he now? .?
Terry 2011/08/19 06:08
Heard this before,this is only romour.
EloraM23 2011/08/19 13:56
People always run with rumours and they are often very untrue. Unless I see it reported on the news, radio or on an entertainment news show I don't believe it.
Lelsi 2011/08/19 15:04
Of course he's alive! I've heard about his dead at least 3 times till now, and I don't buy rumours, unless I see it on the news I won't believe it
Basim360 2011/08/19 16:25
Gud 2 kno.
Thnx 4 sharin

K_shaka 2011/08/19 18:36
rumours of gwan
Saintless 2011/08/20 07:39
That is horrible, saying someone dead. It's like you're wishing for him to die... :/ He has done nothing. Perhaps before we do anything like that, we should do some thorough research and constantly asking reliable people for valid news.

I am pleased he is alive and kicking, I like his acting after all.

Love Jackie Chan!

LoVeGaLsIaN 2011/09/09 08:42
Quote: MaG: Jackie chan is alive and still kicking.
Rumours of Jackie Chan's death sent Twitter into overdrive until the actor's Facebook page debunked the story. It all began with a memorial page titled ''Jackie Chan RIP 08/17/2011''

may god bles him

opened85 2011/09/27 04:07
just a romour...
____THe.bosS 2011/09/29 06:54
TemPEST 2011/11/11 07:32
No big deal
Bettle 2011/12/01 02:23
Oh boy
Cmpunk 2012/01/15 15:58
He hav a gud personality.
GhAyAl 2012/01/16 16:32
Kill tat bast. Who did this
sumitgujjar 2012/03/02 08:36
This kind of bullshxt should not be believed....
donprecious 2012/03/03 16:13
I almost believed d Rumour! Am happy he's alive!!!
Realest_edd 2012/03/05 06:07
Never take social networks seriously!
slaveanne 2012/03/06 13:37
jume 2012/03/09 17:57
i knw he waznt dead cos even if he's dead der are stil goin to b diff ways of his deat ad wil mak it confusin

Replies: 32

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