Sports Quiz Results. by EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/08/15 15:53
This is the result of the Shoutbox Quiz held on 12 May 2012

The standings are as follows :

1. Akki 425+s

2. Basim360 250+s

3. Max 150+s

4. Dangerboy 125+s

5. S3RIAL_KILL3R, Fasil_imran 100+s

6. Pankajsharma 75+s

7. _SonIcGirL_ , _FiRe-PhOeNiX_, Eternal_Knight, Sumita, MAHESH_K and Terry all have won 50+s.

CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners. .knight.

For you have a new idea for hosting, any query or need help inbox me. Thank you. [epic]
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