Is bribery ever acceptable? by
Lelsi 2011/08/14 21:59
We all want to get rid of corruption and to live in ideal society,where everything is done by the law,where everyone enjoy equal rights, where poverty and crime are things of the past.But,the reality is something else.
Bribes are generally thought of as unethical. Are there any exceptions? Can a bribe accomplish anything good? And what about you? Have you ever bribed someone? If so, for what reason and what did you get out of it? And is bribery ever acceptable?
Abhishek 2011/08/14 22:13
Bribery is never acceptable. It is always unethical. Yeah i've bribed many times because this is how things are done here in India. But believe me I never wanted to. Shortcuts are soo tempting that sometimes it's very hard to be on the right track.
fu9it1v3 2011/08/15 01:27
The only good thing about bribery is it managed to get my business done faster, or at the very least, right on time. Like Abi said, it's not like I want to do it, but that's just how it is in my country (and I suppose more or less in most other countries too). It's a habit for the government agencies and you just can't argue it. I've never taken a bribe tho, I'm a professional in my work.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/08/15 03:59
I second the posters above. Things are never easy in our place so you will face it now or then. But yes you have to note, we never want to bribe but because we are, we are therefore equally guilty but we cant help it
Basim360 2011/08/15 04:30
Some bribery has to b acceptable..
Cuz bribery can avoid 'Red Tape' issues..
And Bribery is now c0mmonly pr0m0ted everywher..
Man wid Money gets high status dan a Man With Ethical values..
SpArKo 2011/08/15 07:12
That certainly isnt possible in this generation..
Insenus_AmoR 2011/08/15 17:11
Its damn suckin thing which cant be solved..
Lelsi 2011/08/16 01:47
Basim360: Some bribery has to b acceptable....
Give an example of the situation where the bribery is acceptable.
Lelsi 2011/08/16 01:51
We all agree that bribery is unethical and unacceptable, but yet we all put a blame on the system, but we all are part of that system, isn't it?
Muwale 2011/08/16 02:00
We are all part of the system but there is nothing we can do. Take an example if your boss takes bribe what do you under him do knowing he can fire you. Quote:
Amela: We all agree that bribery is unethical and unacceptable, but yet we all put a blame on the system, but we all are part of that system, isn't it?
jay6600 2011/08/16 04:57
Yes money talks(macho)
dad_ash 2011/08/16 05:22
If you look religious wise its kind of sin but if you keep religion aside and think then you would take it as a business deal. As fu9tiv3 said ,pay for business done in time, i agree with it. Whats wrong in it to pick a civil servant as your biz agent who will handle things for you which are complicated or worthy tobe done in shortest possible time?
Lelsi 2011/08/16 11:26
My boss cannot fire me so easy,as I've got strong contract. I would report him but only if I'd have strong evidence.Quote:
Muwale: We are all part of the system but there is nothing we can do. Take an example if your boss takes bribe what do you under him do knowing he can fire you.
Basim360 2011/08/16 15:56
Give an example of the situation where the bribery is acceptable.
sorry i cant... Bt its true..
NinthElement 2015/01/25 13:35
It depends on the culture, and also the status of the economy. Over here in the UK and western Europe it's practically unheard of, but I don't doubt it could happen in harder times. Bribery is always morally dubious but in some places things like this become the norm out of necessity. In a way bribery is a more extreme form of tipping, which is something that is still expected in my country and more so in some other places.
Xiao Zen 2015/01/29 08:18
I cannot speak for the UK specifically but it happens in western Europe as a whole, it is just less open and both the person bribing and the person being bribed are too mindful of the consequences to be anything but cautious.
Bribery is a symptom of corruption, where there is corruption there will be bribery and vice versa and so in order to eliminate bribery one must eliminate corruption, no? Anything less is to drive bribery out of sight and into the shadows but allows it to remain. Corruption still exists even in western Europe so by this logic so does bribery.
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