Attendance thread for friendship day! by EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/08/06 15:46
All those who are attending the get together event are supposed to post here as soon as it opens !

Its better if you post here once every 10 minutes to show your still online and your duration. Thanks :-)

EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/08/07 13:00
I am here /smiley
Manal 2011/08/07 13:01
haris 2011/08/07 13:01
Present.. But m rite now busy for iftar..
jaQui 2011/08/07 13:02
allexclusive 2011/08/07 13:02
heya me here

Insenus_AmoR 2011/08/07 13:03
m here.. /smiley
Manal 2011/08/07 13:03
Quote: haris: present.. But m rite now busy for iftar..
Bring ur food here-hahaha-

0_o 2011/08/07 13:03
/smiley /smiley

EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/08/07 13:05
Welcome all
Kumz 2011/08/07 13:07
Kanchan 2011/08/07 13:08

NinthElement 2011/08/07 13:09
Good day to you all and welcome /smiley
Manal 2011/08/07 13:09
Is there any Dedication or wishes for 2wap members,or friends or even enemies?i think this is a good chance for all of us/smiley
Lelsi 2011/08/07 13:10
I'm here/smiley
Manal 2011/08/07 13:12
since im newbie here/smileyI wish that all 2wappers have a good health,good luck and happiness..
jaQui 2011/08/07 13:15
/smiley to all ppz hapi day 2u all

jaQui 2011/08/07 13:16

its 10mins n0w .mwah.

fu9it1v3 2011/08/07 13:17
I'm here...
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/08/07 13:18
You all are welcome to dedicate.
EloraM23 2011/08/07 13:20
To all /smiley /smiley
Replies: 79

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