Online and MP3 by Saintless 2011/07/31 03:46
Do going online and listening to songs on your phone go well together?
Saintless 2011/07/31 03:47
I find that the phone would load slow when I listen to mp3s while browsing...
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/07/31 04:06
No they dont. Mine is s40 so the loading of pages is slower. The phone works slow.
SpArKo 2011/07/31 04:55
Doesnt happen to me.. Which phone u use?
Muwale 2011/07/31 05:26
It doesnt affect my phone.
Saintless 2011/07/31 05:32
Quote: SpArKo: Doesnt happen to me.. Which phone u use?

Nokia E63. Perhaps the opera gets slower when I listen to mp3?

_carlos_ 2011/07/31 07:36
No problema
SpArKo 2011/07/31 07:52
I use a similar version of the phone.. E71.
It doesn't affect me still.

ACIDized 2011/07/31 14:53
I used to listen to music and surf the internet on my laptop and always pluged in to nearest power outlet. It almost killed my battery due to overheating and now I just get 70 minutes of back up on my 4400mAh Li-Ion battery.
CoDe 2011/07/31 21:47
I use 2 phones if I need to listen to mp3 and browse together. Which I borrow ofcourse. /smiley
Sweetdoct247 2011/07/31 22:09
My fone can handle multitasking very well so that's not an issue @ all.
LostProphet 2011/08/02 01:48
Buy an ipod! Phones realy arent ideal for music, it eats battery and you end up charging your phone constantly. If you mean listen to music online spottify is avalible on most smart phones.
kazzy 2011/09/02 22:21
not in my phone
____THe.bosS 2011/10/02 19:04
Yes it can work's in my symbian /smiley
____THe.bosS 2011/10/04 09:07
Yeah i can litsn.... And sound quality is much better then phone music player. I love to play song's on my android
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