whats meaning of spoon's post by _dreamprince_ 2011/07/27 03:47
Spoon :
(06:56) Wed, 27 Jul 11
actually mouse saint anger
right lake is at another site
she can always go there as a
few others have, things here r
alot more peaceful now
theres not his deception and
playing others to do dirty
work for him. in the past 4-5
days of him not been staff
there been no arguements in
shouts or not any hassles in
forums and im sure alot of
staff r finding they not getting
as many complaints. with
things suddenly settled down
since hes gone isnt that a
good indication of where alot
of the trouble came from?
also this is the only thread
thats been made about him
going seems he screwed alot
of ppl over here if its taken
this long for any1 to even
mention that the so called
mighty lord dragon isnt here
or no longer staff
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