Deleting topics? by Lelsi 2011/07/22 18:29
Yesterday I was checking social zone,and I have realized that one of my recent topics is gone,and I know it wasn't me who deleted it. I can't also find it in my posts, so it means someone out of us deleted it,don't know why or was it intentionally or not,or maybe it's done by mistake. But okay,I'm not asking the one who did to say in public the reason of deleting it, I'm asking now shouldn't we check the topic carefully before we decide to delete it? And also, if topic is valuable and worth of reading, does it matter if it's being created few month back or a year? Btw,my topic was created two months back and also it was a topic of the day, so I'm quite disappointed, coz my work and effort is gone now.
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#74 Trash Zone
A junkyard for threads to be deleted later.