A real sad story -lol- by
shacc 2011/07/20 22:58
A boy
loved a girl but never proposed her.
With lots of confidence..One day he decided to
tell her.
at 1 a.m. he typed ' I Love you ' and clicked 'send'
...after few seconds he got a message
but he decided to see it next day n slept
next day he read message n was shocked..
it was written
Your a/c balance is insufficient
message cannot be delivered. ;)
Saintless 2011/07/20 23:01
Well, that was funny. So much of being patience and happy...
Marlou 2011/07/21 02:44
it only mean that mgs is n0t so important for him to wait until next day to be open. Therefore, he was n0t really excited to kn0w the reply.
jay6600 2011/07/21 02:46
Just aswell she'd maybe av told him to go get fckd
_rOcK_ 2011/07/21 05:06
lol nice one .lol.
Manal 2011/07/21 06:18
klassykitten 2011/07/21 07:46
if he really loved her, he would have read the message instead of being ignorant
Dashman 2011/07/21 08:25
Further Story At Eve. Time That Guy Meet His Beloved Girl & Tell,Girl RPL ,Sorry Poor Guy
Lelsi 2011/07/21 08:32
if he really loved her, he would have read the message instead of being ignorant
jaQui 2011/07/21 09:37
if he really loved her, he would have read the message instead of being ignorant
SpArKo 2011/07/21 13:22
Hahaha.. I would have never postponed viewing such a message.
Muwale 2011/07/23 05:50
Its funny.
P.girl 2011/07/23 11:16
Ouch! Waz highly disappointed
0_o 2011/09/18 05:04
TemPEST 2011/12/05 07:32
OH! What a shame
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