Vampire Love by Saintless 2011/07/18 07:36 Lately we have been noticing that vampires have become popular these days. Any ideas of what might cause this?
ACIDized 2011/07/18 08:01 Vampires have always been appealing to people over a long time even before the release of twilight. Maybe it is cause of their attributes and myth that they are beautiful and powerfull than any human being. Many novels and movies made on them since 19th century were bit hits.
ACIDized 2011/07/18 08:03 *Many novels written and movies made on them since 19th century were big hits.
Muwale 2011/07/18 08:10 This is because of the interest people attach to It.
Sexytum 2011/07/18 09:09 I hate vampires' film... I could remember d last vampire film I watch is blade.... I was still very young then.... I don't ve d idea of d amounts of vampire film releases... They are fantasy, though.