Mid 20s growing up by
Laketempest 2011/07/16 21:19
Twenty seven years on this earth and i am now more convinced than ever that your mid to late twenties is one of the most comfortable yet confusing times of your life. Let me explain. You see, at this stage in our lives the majority of us men have finally become relatively secure in who we are. All, or most of our sdolescent insecurities should have disappeared by this time. Most of us have already started on what we presume would be a steady career path and a few of us are even in committed long-term relationships. So in this sense, one's mid twenties can be thought of as a comfortable time. There is, however, another side to this age and stage which is much more frightening. It is a time that every man dreads, the quarter-life crisis phase where one is finally forced to face. Man this is hard to say, the thought of growing up.
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