Samurai n cherry_mae by _cowboy_ 2011/07/16 01:33
In a Party A Handsome guy(samurai) askd cherry_mae,"r u going 2 dance?"
She felt so happy & said-"yes"
Den samurai said-"dats gud,so can i hav ur chair..?"-lol-

Zaphara 2011/07/16 01:40
-hahaha- u make me laugh. Okay,the chair is yours /smiley
lady_xyrelle 2011/07/16 02:04
nice joke samu...keep us laughing /smiley
0_o 2011/07/16 02:37
Lelsi 2011/07/16 02:43
Ow samurai-hahaha-,next time be a gentleman and ask lady for a
_cowboy_ 2011/07/16 02:52
Quote: Amela: Ow samurai-hahaha-,next time be a gentleman and ask lady for a
can u? /smiley

_cowboy_ 2011/07/16 02:53
Quote: lady_xyrelle: nice joke samu...keep us laughing /smiley
thanx .lol.

_cowboy_ 2011/07/16 02:54
Quote: Cherry_mae: -hahaha- u make me laugh. Okay,the chair is yours /smiley
/smiley mae you are my best frnd nah?

_Terry_ 2011/07/16 02:58
/smileyladies next time if samu ask u to dance say no -hahaha-
_cowboy_ 2011/07/16 03:01
Quote: _Terry_: /smileyladies next time if samu ask u to dance say no -hahaha-

Lelsi 2011/07/16 03:08
Quote: _samurai_: can u? /smiley
sure i can,but i'm afraid you'll ask my chair too/smiley

_cowboy_ 2011/07/16 03:11
Quote: Amela: sure i can,but i'm afraid you'll ask my chair too/smiley
/smiley U funny sis

LoneLy_heArt 2011/07/16 04:15
/smiley gud joke
Muwale 2011/07/16 05:30
There is a popular saying ladies first. You are greedy arent you?
0_o 2011/07/16 12:23
Quote: Amela: sure i can,but i'm afraid you'll ask my chair too/smiley
Dont worry sis, i will guard it .fight.

sH1vAm 2011/07/16 12:34
_MaD_MaDDy_ 2011/07/23 01:35
Quote: Muwale: There is a popular saying ladies first. You are greedy arent you?

The_Torpid 2013/09/08 08:10
/smiley Get It.... :
The_Torpid 2013/09/08 08:12
-hi2- /smiley /smiley (~_~)
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/26 15:04
(tnx) /smiley
Saiyah 2014/03/27 05:26 funny
Replies: 22

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