android thread. by LostProphet 2011/07/02 11:04
I'm considering starting a thread dedicated to android devices. Giving info on rooting, custom roms, new and best apps and apps not avalible in the apps market. If people are interested in a thread like that please sign here and if anyone thinks they could help inbox me please. I'll give it a week and see if there is enough interest.
SpArKo 2011/07/02 11:31
Thats a good idea, go ahead..
Muwale 2011/07/02 13:40
Thats nice.
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2011/07/03 10:15
I'll help ya..eventho im using a symbian phone..cud learn few tricks..
MaG 2011/08/14 06:26
Guys share it
LostProphet 2011/08/14 16:02
I've abbandond this thread as such little interest was show. I spend enough time keeping my blog up to date. I see no reason to waist my time here on a thread only 2 or 3 people want.
abbey4united 2011/08/20 00:38
Kisame 2011/08/24 02:14
/smiley getting frustated, Justin? /smiley thats what you get if you trying to teach Quantum Physic to a Cavemen Community /smiley
Topcat1 2011/08/25 17:19
final ! plz do !
Mubarak 2011/10/07 21:51
guy go sleep
jay6600 2011/10/08 00:18
Wifi manager
jay6600 2011/10/08 00:20
attachment option fckd!
jay6600 2011/10/29 15:21
Quote: jay6600: attachment option fckd!

still fckd!

lonely-boy 2011/11/06 08:10
#69 Phones/PCs/Apps
For phones, computing, consoles, gadgets, & internet talk, plus share apps & other files.