Aishwarya Rai VS Angelina Jolie by Saintless 2011/06/30 23:49
The two actresses seem to look alike somehow. What do you think?

Who do you think is better?

Laketempest 2011/07/01 00:19
I dont think so, Angelina Jolie is more hot and yeah, she got the sweet lips.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/07/01 00:27
Yes just a bit.
SMART 2011/07/01 06:44
I think angelina joji is the best
allexclusive 2011/07/01 11:13
angelina not a good looking woman
Muwale 2011/07/01 11:30
I have never seen the other before.
SAGITTARIUS 2011/07/01 14:07
Aishwariya Rai.
Ashley 2011/07/01 17:40
Quote: The_Phenom: I dont think so, Angelina Jolie is more hot and yeah, she got the sweet lips.
i agree

SpArKo 2011/07/01 17:53
Angelina is only good with her lips and eyes to some extent. Aish has been a highly flamboyant enchantress with all she has.
ACIDized 2011/07/01 20:24
They both are old now, and moms too. So I'd delete 'em from my list.
Alebi 2011/07/02 03:29
I stay with Angelina
_k_StaR_ 2011/07/02 20:38
i dont like both
Ice-Fairy 2011/07/02 23:46
Aishwarya is more beautiful!
Tlight 2011/07/03 06:40
Speaking of beauty Aishwarya is perfect but speaking of d real thing Jolie is d best.
GhAyAl 2011/07/03 08:50
miss world ash
BrAvE 2011/08/11 08:31
Yes just bt lil bit.
--BooM-ShAnKaR-- 2011/08/28 04:10
AnGeLiNa JoLiE
scarllete 2011/09/02 14:34
i prefer the beauty of angelina jolie .lol.
K_shaka 2011/09/03 16:23
preitty zheitta
Terry 2011/09/04 00:45
i prefer angelina
mAnNu 2011/09/04 03:29
Replies: 41

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