How good r u in chemistry? by
sH1vAm 2011/06/14 10:34
Q. Which weapon can u make by c0mbining Potassium,
Nickel and
sH1vAm 2011/06/14 10:53
Its a knife...Can u tell me how?
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2011/06/14 12:23
K(pottasium) Ni(nickel) Fe(iron) =
LoneLy_heArt 2011/06/14 14:14
Chemical symbol of Potassium = K, Nickel = Ni
and Iron = Fe. So, There combinatn is
_KJOE_ 2011/06/14 14:16
Raul09 2011/06/14 14:20
Chemical symbol of Potassium = K,
Nickel = Ni
Iron = Fe.
There combinatn is
'K Ni Fe'
TheMouse 2011/06/15 05:28
My chemistry is fine, all the girls say so.
ReAl_fRiEnD 2011/06/15 05:55
By mixing dem in a furnance hahaha.
BrAvE 2011/07/15 02:00
Dnt kknw abt chemistry
dstar4u 2011/07/16 08:51
Carbon(iv)oxide is used as fire extinguisher because....
Kingaadi 2013/02/16 02:18
i m toper in chemistry
SONIC 2013/10/15 15:50
it was one of my easiest sub in 12th class
Crownstar 2013/11/19 06:30
it will give u a knife
Replies: 22
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