Animal which has 3 eyes by
vyasu 2011/06/05 22:38
Is there an animal which has three eyes?
vyasu 2011/06/05 22:43
Surprisingly, there is. This is the tuatara, a reptile which looks like a lizard. In some lizards there is a gland at the front of the brain called a pineal body, shaped like an eye. In most of these lizards; the pineal body is not fully developed, and does nothing at all, but in the tuatara's case, it is developed fully, and acts as a third eye.
Laketempest 2011/06/06 00:14
the lionmouse also, lol thanks for sharing.
Marlou 2011/06/06 05:30
thanks for sharing but i never seen one of them in real. Im sure it might be t0o scary to l0ok
TheMouse 2011/06/06 23:18
Well, third eye could mean, a spiritually highly developed species.
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