Adults and Animated Movies by Saintless 2011/05/29 00:38
Do adults even watch animated movies from Walt Disney? Movies like Bolt, Bee Movies, Princess and the Frog and so on? I mean they are intelligent movies after all and need a lot of concentration which I doubt children would be able to comprehend. If you take an example of Dr Seuss, Horton sees a Who, there is a deep message in there. And do you think children are able to understand and get what the director is trying to tell the viewers?

Laketempest 2011/05/29 00:43
I do, and i still like them, the messages in such films is easy for the young children to understand, thats why they are made the way they are.
shakti 2011/05/29 03:17
I think they watch
_KJOE_ 2011/05/29 18:13
I do and i like watching them /smiley
Saintless 2011/05/30 03:12
Horton HEARS a Who. Not sees.
Rita 2011/06/07 08:11
I love it so much. It creats fun
Vayne 2011/06/09 17:54
I like these kinds of movies
greenpark 2011/06/09 18:24
wat adult n i love bolt or rio
Muwale 2011/06/11 06:13
Yes I think so.
mutant_bunny 2011/07/03 14:24
No i don't think children really understands. I love animation.
Vielesh 2011/07/18 05:52
i lik blue film
Vielesh 2011/07/18 05:52
excited movies
lowie 2011/07/19 20:30
So were do I download
BrAvE 2011/08/11 08:21
lion 2011/08/31 13:11
Some do but now many.
Ginamarie 2011/09/01 03:01
Yep i enjoy anime movies & im sure kids do to, coz whenever im @ a theater kids r so engrossed, they cnt stop talkin abt it, even while leavin, clearly they took some msg from it
LoVeGaLsIaN 2011/09/09 08:02
Quote: Saintless: Horton HEARS a Who. Not sees.


Manal 2012/02/26 20:28
Realest_edd 2012/02/26 23:28
They do
Manal 2012/10/11 07:29
Princess and the Frog maybe
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/23 10:45
Avtar is gud one..

Replies: 21

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