LIFE. by Rita 2011/05/26 06:20
What example of life are our leaders showing us. Good or bad?
Rita 2011/05/26 06:22
Wrong life /smiley
SpArKo 2011/05/26 06:32
Politicians? Undoubtedly, they are the basic roots leading to increased corruption in our country.
TheMouse 2011/05/26 10:02
Yes, silly kids are ruling the countries everywhere.
Boet 2011/05/26 19:38
It's a worldwide phenomana that people will elect to office, those who make the biggest promises, but deliver the least.
BrownSkin 2011/05/26 22:31
can we please not discuss politicians, the subject is too depressing.
TheMouse 2011/05/27 02:35
Quote: BrownSkin: can we please not discuss politicians, the subject is too depressing.
ok, I'm closing 2wap with my closing down app so U get less depressed.

Manal 2011/08/22 11:39
Very hard to think abt that
Manal 2012/06/08 11:38
people doesnt grow up
aprillia 2012/06/08 12:17
Quote: SpArKo: politicians? Undoubtedly, they are the basic roots leading to increased corruption in our country.

yaa thats happen in my country too.

TemPEST 2012/07/26 01:30
If it were,it will be worst even
NinthElement 2015/08/26 23:14
It's the worst when politicians and lawmakers don't practice what they preach. It happens in many places.
detrimentum 2015/08/27 04:42
politicians arent a good example. But teachers are leaders too for example. As people we decide which leaders to follow and who not.
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