army ants by
Eternal_Knight 2011/05/17 05:56
Native and most commonly found in South and Central America these tiny predators hide in the deep forest awaiting their next meal. Mostly feasting on a carnivore diet, these ants can eat a wide variety due to their amazing digestive system which can dissolve any living creature. In fact, their eating habits are so amazing that one ant colony can dissolve and eat an entire cow within hours. Army Ants use two front teeth and claws which they use in unison to inject a venom which works as an acid and will dissolve all types of flesh. A favorite tasty treat among this species are wasps and Leaf Cutter Ants.
Army Ants vary in size but remain roughly between 8 and 12 millimeters in length. Their color is typically a light brown, but have been reported to also resemble a red tint. This species of ant is incredibly intelligent and can move very quickly
These ants are mostly found living underground or up in trees. This is their safest way to avoid being stepped on, which ismost commonly the death to many of these creatures. However, as many of these ants get trampled, it is highly unlikely for them to grow extinct. In just one colony there will be an average of 5,000 to 18,500 ants. A single queen can lay anywhere from 100,000 to 300,000 eggs. Most Army Ants will have a lifespan of 3 to 13 months.
The queen in an Army Ant colonyis much like that of other ant species. They have one wingless queen whos life consists of mating and laying eggs. Contraryto popular belief that the only female in a colony is the queen, there are many blind female workers in the group. The rest consists of male soldiers known as Eciton burchelli. The soldiers are a whopping one to two inches long! They have a very important role in their group which consists of protecting the queen, killing and gathering food, and forming attacks on enemy colonies. Soldiers are born with very large mandibles which they use to kill, carry largeobjects, and to dig. The mandibles are so huge for their body size that they cannot feed themselves. The soldiers rely on the team effort of the worker ants to help feed them.
If you are ever in a known territory for Army Ants, please take extreme caution. These antswill attack any living creature they feel is a threat and yes, that means you too! If you step on a nest, or fall asleep near a nest you are likely to become their next prey. The soldiers attack in extremely large groups,covering their meal completely as they begin to cut the flesh into tiny pieces. As savage creatures they leave the organs in place, causing whatever they kill to be torn apart while still alive ouch. So be sure to watch your step or you may become their next feast!
Eternal_Knight 2011/05/17 08:14
_-DeMoNiC_AnGeL-_: their safest way to avoid being stepped on, which ismost commonly the death to many of these creatures. .lol. they are huge in population.. no family planning? -heehee-
they dont belive in hum do humare do
KiNg_SouL 2011/05/19 04:39
_-DeMoNiC_AnGeL-_: their safest way to avoid being stepped on, which ismost commonly the death to many of these creatures. .lol.
they are huge in population.. no family planning? -heehee-
run if u see them.hehe.
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