BIBLE TRIVIA GAME by KiNg_SouL 2011/05/15 18:06
Hello fellow christian brothers and sister. This is first of it's kind and it's to test the knowledge of those who read the Holy Bible and Go to church and If you think you know the Bible well itz your time to shine and win outstanding pluses...

How It's getting Started

It is starting 16-05-2011 in the afternoon.

10 questions in the bible will be posted here, you are required to attempt the one's you know.

You can attempt all or attempt some, the more you answer correctly the bigger you plusses increases.


If you are not concerned please don't freepost or discriminate, It is highly Offensive and you'll be dealth with

Do not freepost, it'll be deleted

You are allowed to attempt a question twice any attempt af ter that your prize will be deducted

How To Participate

The only way to participate is by indicating your name here.


NOTE This game last for only 3 days per week

20 plusses per question attempted correctly...

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A junkyard for threads to be deleted later.