TV Series by EloraM232011/05/14 14:03 What's your favourite tv series? Do you have a favourite quote from any of your favourites?
EloraM232011/05/14 14:11 Buffy The Vampire Slayer -
Life is short. Not original, I'll grant you, but it's true. Why waste time being all shy and worrying about some guy, and if he's going to laugh at you? Seize the moment, cos tomorrow you might be dead.
FalleN2011/05/14 23:36 Well, I like How I met your mother, anything that comes out of Barney's mouth is my favorite.
Mahesh2011/05/15 03:17 Favourite tv series- True blood,
favourite quote- "Yes, Ravage me! Ravage me..!" -Maryann.
And all other quotes are brilliant, the best show i ever watched in my entire life!