Format by
geetha4u 2011/05/12 19:26
when we purchase a new computer the very first thing is we format it, what is the reason?
farooqpatel 2011/05/12 21:32
to remove affected files if any n to a new start
geetha4u 2011/05/12 21:54
farooqpatel: to remove affected files if any n to a new start
I said it is a brand new computer
Joker 2011/05/13 19:50
To set the pc up the way you want it to work, not the way the pc shop sets it up. If you know what you do, it helps a lot.
FalleN 2011/05/15 00:03
Who told you that??
agbemafleaugustine 2011/05/18 12:06
[quote=Joker]To set the pc up the way you want it to work, not the way the pc shop sets it up. If you know what you do, if not you can not use it to ur experctation
shakti 2011/05/19 21:10
To create tracks and sectors we have to format a new hard disk of a new computer
BrAvE 2011/07/15 06:21
D new pc. We wil nt formeted
____THe.bosS 2011/07/18 19:12
when we purchase a new computer the very first thing is we format it, what is the reason? A brand new hard drive cannot be used until it has been formatted. Formatting places magnetic markers on the drive surface to define the sectors in which data is stored. When you format a hard drive, you erase all its files and prepare it as if it were a new or blank hard dive. Formatting your hard drive will wipe clean your drive just like a new hard drive.
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