"Rugaru" by
ImmaBE 2011/05/11 19:08
The rugaru is the result of a genetic mutation that when expressed causes the human to express a murderous cannibalistic hunger. Once it was fed on human flash transformation is irreversible.
Outwardly the rugaru can appear human for years, never knowing its true nature, but eventually it becomes consumed with a terrible hunger. During this time, it feeds on any meat it can get its hands on, until it finally gives in to the craving for human flesh. The rugaru will also demonstrate superhuman strength, and its bones will move under its skin. One bite of human flesh is all that's necessary for the rugaru to transform outwardly into a monster, at which point it can never appear or be human again. The only way to kill it is by setting it on fire, otherwise it will continue killing people to sate its hunger.
powers and Abilities
Superhuman strength, speed, and aggression
ImmaBE 2011/05/13 19:20
me too
_drk_ 2011/05/11 19:48
Cool ))
ACIDized 2011/05/12 19:40
I've seen it on TV
ImmaBE 2011/05/15 20:27
cool, yeah me too
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