Raplordz Shaev7 vs Resphanto by DotmonKing 2011/05/02 00:16
This is the final match. Lets see who becomes the champion of the rapLords!

Timelimit: 48 hourz.

Verses: 3 verses each(1 post=1 verse making a total of 6 post by the mceez).
No biting.
No interferance until after match.

Let your words begin to spill bloods!

Shaev7 2011/05/02 16:20
Mob Deep instrumentals ^hell on earth^
^coughin^ mic setin n adjustn.
Yo turn da mic up a lil bit...
Ayo,Sup all,Dot,Acidized,MrRAG watz crackn yaw...?
Wana lay down 2wap Rap History...cuz its da final of da

RAP^LORDS^/am down 2mak dis guy RAP^FLOPS^/he so insane battln me wen ya RAP^SUCKS^/am da only nigga who's rhymes AB^SWORDS^(absurds)/how u gona face me wit ya WHACK^WORDS/amma mak my wrds resrvd 4ds 1ST^VERSE/kild so many punkas dat has TRES^PASS/kil u wt one n two sylables in ds DEATH^TRACKS/yu was waitn 4me dnt cuz amma b suckn u lyk agent of polination doin 2 NECK^TAS(nectas)/its 2 late 2 say u SORRY/cuz am comin wt nufin bt hate 2smash u wt my wrds of LORRY/so ^sit back^n^relax^ wt u bck down lemme phuck u lyka dirty SHAWTY/its 44 minutes untouchable thief @USA BANK ROBBERY/am lyk gallery u cnt pass wtout CHECK^ON^IT/cumin lyk wind u da phukn sand da whol foot STEP^ON^IT/am da atmosphere evry 1 BREAT^ON^ME/u so phukn toilet evry 1 SH!T^ON^THEE/gimme da mic lemme so phukn SPIT^ON^IT/u so empty lyka blank CD i REC^ON^IT/ds vas jus a warnin SHOT/one touch n 1 was 2 no1 SPOT/like bizzybone my wrds ar automatic GLOC/u wrd smellz lyk sh.t damn they STANK/each sh.t u spit so hilarious n so PRANK/i smoke weed n drnk CRANK/wana let u spit n hav da BAND/wen u tru b ready n wait 4me 2tak u pamanent home whch is GRAND!
Tak ya breath!

Resphanto 2011/05/03 07:18
Yeah am IN^ wit ma dick so erected i wanna ^PISS out ma iced cumz on DISS^CRAP bitch(Shaev) so ^BRAVE hailIN all em judges to get dere FA^VOUR/i took ma ^RAP outta ma mums ^GRAVE da hymn song 's disturbIN ma NEIGH^BOR/...i see u ^ENVY me,u can TAKE^ ON^MA^SHIRT(reputation)//u hav to pay yr ^LEVY or u MAKE^UP^MA^MEAT//guess yr ^HUNGRY u should FEED^ON^MA^SHXT//am so ^ANGRY i ~SPILL~KILLers~ am NEEDed^ON^DA^STREET//ur throat so ^THIRSTY u DRINK^FROM^MA^SPIT//..ma rap so ^WAVY MADE^ME^SPLIT^MA^WRIST//cos ma eyes ar ^BLOODY as i ask for MORE^LIKE^OLIVER^TWIST//u ^EJACULATEd yr RAP^nd^REMAINed^WEAK/ama ^AMPUTATE yr CRAP^DRAINed^DICK/i run da ADMIN^LIKE^MISTER^RAG/cos ma name STING^WHACK^LITTER^TAG/to yr tail u ^SPRING^a^HECK^SCATTER^WAG(dog)/ama ~KILL~ u and make yr NICKs^MULTI^PLIED/~DRILL~ List3d' DICK^s^FORTI^FIED/yr ^RHYMEs ar so ^BLANK i ^FEEL am in ^SPACE/i store ^TIME in da ^BANK dats da REAL^PACE/ama re^PLACE yr ^SPINE wit a 2 by 2 ^PLANK(wood) yr ^MEAL wil b ma shoe ^LACE/loaded wit ^LIME u ^DRANK ma cumz FILL^ed up to yr ^FACE/......oh shxt! ~diss~ bitch gat no ^DIME let me fuck da pussy head outta ~diss~ ^PLACE/u ^WASTED yr energy on YUNG^BOSS/now u and ^List3d has got a LONG^LOSS/ma rhymes ar so long dey cause me TOOTH^ACHE/da judges ar gona get tired and beg for a SMOOTH^BREAK/

...dats right SHAEV^7's dick(mic) is WORK^IN/..let me SHAVE^LEVEL da bitch ass hair is STINK^IN/

...beat starts...

uh...BRAAAAH..gee....fin!...okay aint here for rhym^IN i do KILL^IN and use yr ^SKULL as ma PEN^DANT/ama ^DRILL yr eyes ^BLUR u fuck^IN PISS^ANT/u ar jst a dog i ^LURE wit bone from a DISS^TANT/as ma TEETH^n^AMBITIONS^ar^BARED/so i EAT^yr^MEAT^SENSATIONS^wen^PREPARED/^RESSY da king is ^RESPECTED/i fucked ^SASSY(Phelz wife) and got ^SALUTED/i ^DISS yr ass rhyme ^DISPUTED/ama rip out and ^BURST tru yr DOMINAL^CORD/leavIN^ u voiceless as i ^FROST yr VOCAL^CORD/makIN^ u so inbalance on da earth^CRUST as i let loose yr SPINAL^CORD/i fuck yr mums ^TITs wit ma mic(dick) i call it a MATERIAL^WORLD/da bitch gave ^BIRTH to u in a SURGICAL^WARD/ma rhymes ar so long da police shoulda LOCK^ed ma ^WRIST cos am ARMS^KILLIN/FUCK^ da way ^BITCHes activate dere ^HIPS wit ma dick ^DRILLIN/yr PUSSY^HEAD/FILL^ed wit LOTS^of^LEAD/am a FULL^TRACEd^2WAP^RAP^BREED/as i PULL^yr^FACE^2SLAP^u^CRAP^BLEED/ha ha ah...da ^STREET is ^FULL wit yr ^BLOOD/damn i need a ^BOAT to swim across diss HUGE^FLOOD/count ma rap fire shots wit no ^DIFFERENCE/as i send u to a 9 milimeter ^SENTENCE/ama ^MAKE u ask wats ^DISS/after u ^TAKE a sip outta ma ^PISS/i ^SMASH yr lame ^BRAIN/nd let yr blood ^SPLASH down like ^RAIN/..stucked yr mouf and ^FED u tru yr ^ANUS/jst as Black_List3d FEARED^JAMOLUS/and ~didnt~ SHOW^UP/da bitch was ^SCARED and speechless and had to ~shut~ da FUCK^UP/i ^SPIT ma acid rhymes to burn off yr ^RACE//am call da ^STREET rapking i tell dat to yr ^FACE//i fuck yr SIS^TITS,cos dats da number one ^PHRASE//dnt bother cos ma foot^PRINTS u cant ^TRACE//ama use yr ^VEINS as ma shoe^LACE//feedIN^ on yr ~SkULL~ gave me ^PROTEIN i grew ~TALL~ nd 2wap couldnt meet up ma ^PACE//

wat da fuck....MIC^BURSTED/wher da fuck is dat PSYK^LIST3D/diss time shaev is gona ~SNOOZE~n~LOOSE~

...Beat fades


Shaev7 2011/05/03 09:01
mic over to me...

hahah jus read dat LETTER~u cald RAP/homie u BETTER~rearange em b4 u gt SMACKD/u abt 2b skoold lyk SPEKTRAL/my wrds so psyko n makez u rhymz MENTAL/i cn c u so CONFUSED/dat y u say i SNOOZED/n am gona LOOZE/nah u knw da phukn RULEZ/here u ducklin am feed on u lyka GOOZE/tryin 2akt lyk u BOOZED/up bt sh.t dat writ up was DROOL/lemme tel em wat ya phukn LACK/no wordplays,weak metaphorez,multiez tryin ta meat up n flows cnt even gt me SMACKD/go do sumptn else instead of RAP/mayb u shud quit ganstarin n go strt slewin CRACK/teachn u how ta use da multiez,my wrds are ^MENTAL^INCLINE^/b4 u beat me ur wrds gota b ^MEDICALY^DECLINE^(ill n sick)/nw havin u bck 2da basic/ur rhymez ar so lazy/n nids an old Nig banned drug knwn as phensic/nigga stop dat sh.t u did,havn ur rap cut into SEX^IONS(sections)/u cnt hit me dat i told ya i b cumin wt hot sh.t u beta put on ur TEFLON/u neva gona knw wen i'l b havn u NECK^TURN(twisted neck)/
am cumin 2ds beat lyk SHADY/get evry homiez sh.t 2 SLAIN ME/bt havent seen any1 dat cn ABATE ME/nw u CRAZY/wana akt lyk u SAY SH.T/i phukn bite da face of ur BABY/no 1 neva gona understMATE ME/cuz amma b so famous lyk SHADY/
i'v bin waitn 4ds pain... Guez ds our 1st battle ever haha u be puld lyk a lever rol u down frm da ladder...evil rolin...

Som1 JUST^STEPPED^ON^ME/n no 4gvnez cuz amm CROSS^DEATH ^ON^HIM/gues u tuk my 1st vas 4grantd nw u abt 2c da real SUS^PECT^ON^ME/ds time amma kil u n tak out da LIFE/in u n amma stil b da machine da brought Resy bck 2 LIFE/slit him wt juz 3sylabuz n tro him 2d HIVE/u beta fink of oda punchline n leav my WRIST/ya say i shud drink frm ya SPIT/yeah,i drank it n convat it so lethal n SPIT/em out 2 SLIT/ya WRIST/i cam in2 ds game wt bad INTENTIONS/my ~metaphores~cutz ds bitch lyk CHAIN SAWS/u b dead lyk spektral n begn 2 BLAIM JUDGE/feel ths PAIN BOY/u INSAIN BOY/am da only niga dat cn help ds GAME BOY/u gota a ~FAINT~heart lyka ass BROKER/beat u n PAINT~u wt cum lykan ass HOLDER/u came wt a ~RANGE~at my ROVER(range rover)/u bitch is FAKE n ur rhymez COLDER/i guez wtout me no1 cn HOLD YA/list3d escapd da 8th mile wat i TOLD YA/ur vas so lng lyka BENCH^SELLER/haha n so prostitute n i protect myslf wt a U.S tagged original FRENCH^LETTER/dn i cn phuk her til death n hav her LEGS^BLISTERD/no am nt done yet juz nid 2 RE- EDIT/cuz my phukn serva juz freaky went 2 SLEEP/nw am bck lemme hav LEAV n QUIT/u beta watch wat ya phukn SPIT/
cloud changes..d3mons in shaev bck wt da thugs...
Cumin lyj DIABOLICAL/lyk spektral DIE^A^BALL^LICKER/my head ful of maggots i feed on EM/u wil b ded u faggot drain ya blood n drink on EM/my eye-ballz as big as da eggs of DI^NO^SAURZ/u gota b careful b4 u RHYME^THOSE^WORDS/brains on my PALMZ/cnt fink no mur got hairz on my PALMZ/oh sh.t furz on my EYES/eat up ya nervous SYSTEMS/n havn da conectin tissuez 2ya heart 2fix TREE STERMZ/u hittin PHYSICALY/i kild somany BIOLOGICALY/urz shal b SPIRITUALY/my lifes stuck @d GRAVE YARD/c me strolin wt lucifer's lastborn @da HADES PARK/i n devil sippin on ur blood n eatn ur FLESH MEAT/angels singin shaev7 alws got FRESH BEAT/u juz on LiSt3d lyk u cn BEAT HIM/by ds tym nxt mnth u gota NEED HIM/dnt knw wat hapen bt gues he juz dnt wana kip SPIT~IN/u fink u gona b usin ds wrds 2 SCARE ME/ima juz hav u infectd wt disease lyk juz MARE BITCH/i drink gassoline wtout a lit~match wen i spit i mush FIRE/my sh.t neva 2b undastnd until ya neva RESPIRE/am so adictd 2rap its alrdy my DOPE/if i dnt gt sick a day about it excpt i hav it a SMOKE/real nigaz got punchd in da FACE/kil ya wit crowbarz remov ur intestin n stamp it on ya FACE/ya blood flows like OCEAN/datz da PORTION/no 1 cn CAUTION/no reactions wt anybody,corrosive like an ACID/not juz sick my metaphorez meltz u like a PLASTIC/i run u eyes rownd sealin u mouth up wt similez cuz u FLACCID/my flows ^appearz^n ^disapearz^ it coms like a MAGIC/hav u heart achin putin u on a PANIC/mine kip comin dynamicaly n havn urz STATIC/ds juz a deathrow cuz b ready 4da beginin cuz u wer juz BLABBIN.

Edit.... Dick fainted!...

Resphanto 2011/05/03 11:21
I dnt need da mic any ^MORE/all i need is yr eardrums so i fuck em lika ^WHORE/Ha ha i ^LAUGH wen u talk of WORD^PLAY ,META^PHORS n MULT^TIEZ/we both ^STAFFs writIN yr so called letters(rap) causIN a WORLD^DELAY(judges ar gona be tired of readin)i blow da BETTER^FOUR of yr FRONT^TEETH/i always do a SMACK^BACK on diss nigga ^SHAEV/i hit da hommie WHACK^BLACK as i rip off all yr ^NERVE/i lay a TATTIC^ATTACK u ar too to hairy so come for a ^SHAVE/
...OK enouf of talkIN^..its time to spill diss assholes blood,lets go do da shxt....
F%*k your raps SOUNDs^SPANISH/ma rhymes ar BOUNDs^STYLISH/u were born by accident on da ^HIGHWAY/ama end yr sorry life by another accident crushIN^ on ma lyrical RAIL^WAY/havIN^ yr corpse buried in yr anus like barbicue on hell's RUN^WAY/as ma sign of devil's GATE^WAY/
u cant ANTA^GONISE ma ^SPILLS/go ask d ^ANTI-CHRIST who's taught him ^ANTAGONISING^SKILLS/ find out wat else u might just make me give u a ^AGONISING^KILL/hope u signed yr death WAR^RANT cos yr life WAR^RAN^TEE/ends in diss battle,u dead POOR^RAT wit hell's ticket has been GAR^RAN^TEEd/ama roast u wit ma ^TOASTER/roll u like ma weed ^PAPER/light yr bald head wit ^FIRE/and smoke u through yr anus like a ^CIGER/ama make play ^BALL on da LAD^DER//as i rip out yr ^GALL ~ BLAD^DER//am gonna see u dead as i kill u wit SWAG^GER(easy)//after i must have dismembered u wit ma lyrical DAG^GER//ha ha ha...ama spit yr head to d ^NORTH///and yr balls to d ^WEST/cos u ar a ^SLOTH///and in ma piss u shall ^REST(R.I.P)/like d SPILL^DENSEd nigga Black^List3d/in REAL^SENSE got BLANK^n^CASTRATED/ma rhymes ar TESTED^n^TRUSTED/it gets yr fake ass DENTED^n^MELTED/u lost diss battle cos yr rap 's WASTED^n^ROTTED/ama ^WASTE u in a ^HASTE wit my LYRICAL^KNIFE/tell dat to yr MENTAL^WIFE/cos after u ar dead ama give her pussy a ^STRAFF(fuck)/ma rap are so strong,dey aint WORD^PLAY/they are called SWORD^PLAY/cos ama rip out yr heart for DISS^PLAY/and set yr ^FISH/brain on ma ^DISH/i aint RHYM^IN^LOW/anymore cos its ^TIME to SLICE^n^SEE yr blood ^FLOW/am da lyrical TERMINATOR^TORMENTOR^n^EXECUTOR/ama paint ma ^FLOOR/wit yr filty ass blood,usIN^ yr TON^GUE/as ma wash^IN SPON^GUE/ama stop yr HEART^BEATS/wit da HARD^HITS/from ma unDISS^putted LY^RICS/like da bad killers in MAT^RIX/leavIN^ u wit only one drop of blood in yr BLOOD^STREAM/have u lickIN^ ma cumz like ICED^CREAM/feelIN^ cool wit yr mum in a SEX^STREAM/poundIN^ yr sis while u watch her SHOUT^n^SCREAM/to da Xtr3m3 DEA^TH/as u choke on a grasp for BREA^TH/ma raps make u ^EVAPORATE/into da thin ^AIR/as i keep yr ass sitted eatIN^ yr ^HAIR/ama vaporise u like ^LIQUOR/and make u drink yr blood to ^STUPOR/u ar not ma MA^TCH/i'll use yr bones as a YA^TCH/and sail yr shaved ~ASS~ back to yr lowest ~CLASS~ HA^TCH/spillIN^ wit ma ~DEADLY~LYRICAL~ COMBI^NA^TION/gives u a painful MENS^TRA^TION/go do some EXAMI^NA^TION/cos u ar already infected wit Ressy's DEMO^LI^TION/and EXTER^MINA^TION/virus.
^NOW let me ANA^LYSE/^HOW i'll DEMO^RALISE/yr 5 ~SENSES~ by lettIN^ ma DEMON^ARISE/and come alive into yr blood ~VESSELS~ to feed on yr TAN^TA^LISE//^IN kidney am gon VAN^DA^LISE//yr immune system cos am so SPE^CIA^LISEd///am gon b PRE^CISE//wen i cut u into bits like bread ^SLICE/even ^JESUS/cant save yr ass from diss lyrical ^SPARTACUS/called Ressy ^VIRUS/....Ha ah ha i fucked yr mum and had her pussy SHIF^TED/i got her pregnant,she gave birth to u TWIS^TED/i straighten u up deathroll gat yr ass LIS^T3D/am hotter than ^FIRE/i roll on yr ass like ^TYRE/dnt stand in ma way else ama hav yr life span EX^PIRE/i dnt use TRIG^GER/i SPILL^HARD// yr blood wit ma KILL^PAD(keypad)// even in sleep ma FIN^GERs/still ^CLAT^TER/dnt *FUCK wit Ressy da LYRICAL^PRINCE^of^PERSIA/cos in ma ^RHYTHMICAL way ama fuck up ^YA/ ~TEETH~ wit ma ^MUSICAL *FORK~LIFT~ PINCER^n^PLIER/...Ha ah ha think u got ~MAD~ METAPHORICAL^BEATS/try ~HARD~er cos i got RAW~n~DIABOLICAL^HITS/ama ^SNOOZE ya LIFE^SPAN/jst like frozen ^BOOZE in da ICE^PAN/make u say ^CHEEZE nd i ^FREEZE yr ^TEETH/nd make u beg me ^PLEASE to let u feed on ma ^SHXT/i give u COMBO^COMBINATION/jst like RAMBO^DEMOLITION/finishIN^ u wit RAP^EXECUTIONS/just like extinguishIN^ u wit SHARP^ARMUNITIONS/

....Let me take it slow cos i see ^DISS nigga is ^WEAK/u gona ^SAIL on ma ^PISS and tell rag to change yr ^NICK/i ^HAIL yr SIS^PUSSY wit ma ^DICK/


_KJOE_ 2011/05/03 15:47
Nice /smiley /smiley
Resphanto 2011/05/03 23:55
Yoh! alrite am IN^....where da fuck is dat nigga Shaev,cum out kitty kitty.

ma heart ^BEATS as da CLOCK^TICKS/usIN^ ma GLOCK^to^FUCK yr mums TITS^STINKS/....Nah! nAh!! naH!!! ok let me do diss one...lets go....
I woke up to life bt all i see is DEA^TH/always ill made me a better HEA^LTH/u sucked ma dick and lost yr BREA^TH/ama uproot out yr SPINAL^CORD/hang^IN and chok^IN u wit yr DOMINAL^CORD/as i cut out yr tongue all around me filled wit ^BLOOD/pussy suck me as ma cums suffocate u like tsunami ^FLOOD/ama ~FILL~ yr VEIN^wit^ICED^PUSSY^CUMZ/~SILL~ up yr CRAINE^THRICE^a^NOZZLE^STORM/da yard wit ma BRUTAL^DOGs eat^IN up yr FLE^SH/like a FATAL^FOG accident blood spill^IN FRE^SH/ama cut off yr fingers leavIN U/wit one dat tells u fuck U/ama make u ^SUCK yr ^BLOOD still u ^BURST/make^IN u ^BROOD up and thrown below da earth ^CRUST/ama make u ^KISS gud bye to da ^WORLD/u ^MISS yr life uh death was da ^WORD/ama dig into yr ear^DRUMS/breakIN^ n crackIN^ yr ^CRANIUM/ama eat up yr veins like am chewIN^GUM/ama swing around d world wit yr intestine tyed to da ^AIR/ding was da bell sounds warn^IN of ^FEAR/
i ^DENT d ^MASSES ma name hits 2^WAP^WORLD/with all ^LENGHT of yr ^VERSES ar jst ma 2^CRAP^WORDs/ama plug ma mouth to yr ^EARs and ~call~ em yr EAR^PHONE/ringIN^ ma deadly song...i doubt cos u quiver wit ^FEAR as i feed u wit jst yr MARE^BONE/in ma ^HEAD is marked da kill^IN of ^6 mcees 6^TIMES at da ^6th hour(666) of da ^CLOCK/ma hand ^HITS u ^DEAD,am sippIN^ yr blood ^MIXed tea,i ^FIX ma ^RHYMES in yr ASS^u^KISS ma ^GLOCK/am ^ILL on da ^MIC fill me wit ^DRUGS/i cage ^PSYK mcees ^LIKE u ma ^DOG/i ^BIKE on yr head to PIECES^u^HOPELESS^THUG/i ^SAIL on yr ^BLOOD call me a VI^KING/u ^HAIL ma ^ROD(dick) all says am da RAP^KING/...i weigh 40000kg^ and STILL^FLOAT in da ^SKY/us^IN ma warzone mg^(Machine Gun) to SPILL^OUT yr brain ^PSYK/ama KILL^n^BURY u on da SANDS^OF^TIME/fuck! hav FILLed^ black ^BERRY wit THOUSANDS^OF^RHYMES/ama fuck yr PSYCHOLOGICAL^THINKIN^ABILITY/wit ma high METHODOLOGICAL^REASONIN^FATALITY/ama make yr head ~WOBBIE~ like flat TYRE^SHATTER/yr skull in ~MULTIPLE~ wit ma SLEDGE^HAMMER/ama ^CONDEMN yr ^LUNGs/wit ma lyrical lead(bullet),ama cause u ^MAYHEM in yr system makIN^ u shxt thru yr ^TONGUE/and breath thru yr ^ANUS/waooh am a ^GENIUS/ama ^PLANT ma bomb in yr ^CHEST/and ^HARVEST yr ^HEART/ama ^TWIST yr SIS^ter's^WRIST and ^STRANGLE//wit her ^BANGLE//~CHOKE~ wit weed make u FEEL^MAD as u ^COUGH/REAL^HARD wen i ~POKE~ u wit ma lyrical hand CUFF/pluck out yr eyeball from its ^SOCKET/and keep it safer in my ^POCKET/ama end yr WEAK^LIFE^SPAN/inside yr mums DICK^FRY^PAN/ama whipe out yr FAMILY^GENERATION/wit ma lyrical TSUNAMI^EXTERMINATION/grind yr ball on da ^BRICKs/hang yr heart on a ^STICK/as i ^ANIMATE u like ^CARTOON/and ^ELIMINATE yr ass on da ^PLATOON/yr existence in 2wap is a ^TABOO/ama stuck ~FIT~ in yr mums ~TITs~ wit a ^BAMBOO/wash yr blood down da drain like ^SHAMPOO/and past u in yr SIS^PUSSY like ^TATOO/

...yeah wat a meal,after eatIN^ Shaev....i use his BONES to pick ma teeth...


Shaev7 2011/05/04 00:10
Vacuum coffin

analyse da strent of my game lyk a lee CORSO/call me a LOST SOUL/masta ace said SO/i knu u b tinkn am bitn n pulin u ANGER/u knw am a STRANGER/2 DANGER/so ama stab u wt a DAGGER/u were so funy at ur 2nd VAS/u mak me fil we juz got an added VAT/ur sylabus ar begn n cnt even sit 4 SAT/n ama beat u n hav u bowd lyk muslims on da MAT/stupid man i ws on a canoe padlin n makn fun of u YATCH/invade u like US n hav u kild lyk OSAMA/u cn cal hm a warlord bt ain grater dan OBAMA/murda u sista wt knife n u wt my words n hangd ur MOMA/dis a lyrical mayhem,causin TRAUMA/ama b hitn u frm al angle,includn strikn u lyka THUNDA/struck u body 2piece n hav em pack @d trunk of ma HUNDA/select u ^accord^inly n dump u wt da LAWMA(lagos state waste management)/as soon as i PRO^CLAIM/i c ds nigga JEO^FAIL/i hang u RIB/on a JIB/n hav u smashd by a crain wt ur blood stain on da wallz of my KRIB/wat u wana say? Cuz i knw u wana tel em hw sweamt on ur BLOOD/ripout my vocal CORD/rearange my umbilical CORD/or probably u cumz fillz a BUCKET/ya eyes larger dan its SOCKET/n ya dick takez da shape of a TRUMPET/u cud also tel em u laced ya cleat shoes wt my VEIN/broke my skull n take out my BRAIN/remv da INSAIN/in it n put in ur 4 DERANGE/check da whole of my body n tel em wat REMAINS/so u cn rap wt it n cal it THE GAME/nw u mak me ASHAMED/2 STAFFS/ar battln n 1 is been slaughterd lyk CALVEZ/divided n shared in2 equal HALVES/shared among da rest of 2wap STAFFS/ur windpipe am block wt 2huge VALVEZ/wen u shout da sound gona cum out tru ur ASS/amma spiritual rapsta Shaev da RAP^HERB^A^LIST/so rare 2find lyk DA^PANDA^BEAST/cuz u fame here u get da judge of da M^ASSES(masses)/represntn tru hiphop opresn u n hav u KATABASIS/ima do PERFORATION/on u hoe body n have high PROLIFERATION/of blood wt proper PERCOLATION/hav u butt n u head in PERFOLIATHON/process..i PERMUTATE/on so many mceez wt gr8 COMBINATION/u d last imma AMPUTATE/ya whol body havn ur soul trapd in a botl so u cmplt ur OBLIGATIONS/k,i rem CYRUS/u mentor kip on cuz amma b infestn u wt an unknwn VIRUS/shaev spittin venomz worz da australian PYTHONS/d only God neva extinct was me da DRAGON/wen i blaze u wt fire ya nick shal b changed frm RESPHANTO/to NERMATODE/amma b feedn u wt a spoon conectd 2 700,000 electric VOLTAGE/u juz same fin wt spektral fooln ur OLD AGE/nw i knw u got GOAT LEGS/datz y u stuborn bt u gona die wt a CHOKD NECK/lemme end ds sh.t yl u slip n u SOAKD UR BED/

eyes got WEAK^VEHN^am unpredictable until u cnsult ur WIND^VAIN^ressy u WRIST'S^CHAINED^have u NIECE^BLAMED^quick death/wt a net/on each of my words/holdin ds bitch 2ransom lyk cyrax released hs net!

instrumentals stopped...
Ressy mic choked!


[shaev7] on da /smiley


EloraM23 2011/05/04 07:57
Resphanto wasn't bad but found Shaev7 had it just a little bit more for me. Well done to both. Great work.
ACIDized 2011/05/04 09:23
1st verse- Resphanto a lot of multies wid a little nameplay.
2nd verse- Shaev7 excellent flow packed wid punches.
3rd verse- Felt Shaev7 had better shot at 3rd compared to Ressy.
Votes Shaev7.

Rosay 2011/05/04 13:05
I vote for...shave7.
Askari 2011/05/04 13:25
Am nt a judge,but i took it upon myself to make sure i witness dis match....both shaev7 and ressy where really ill,dey both rep da true O.G in dis block...i wont really blame da judges bcos i dnt think dey are really into rap sh1t,on like ma own battle i lost to Jamolus,i heard a judge talk abt storyline..some other battles too werent judged well like RAW and one other mc...dats by gone,but as far as am concerned dis match between shaev7 and ressy is too hard and tough to pick a winner.to me its a battle tie.thanks

Da Arrogant Millitant

Boet 2011/05/04 14:02
Shaev7 by a whisker for me
jamolus2003 2011/05/04 15:31
Hail all da rap mcees in da club. I think dis match is a tie,,, lets get outta d club nd proceed to d grave yard (skull) nd hav a rematch, only 2 verses each 4 d killing nd burying. Dats wot i feel.
Rosay 2011/05/04 15:32
Quote: Askari: Am nt a judge,but i took it upon myself to make sure i witness dis match....both shaev7 and ressy where really ill,dey both rep da true O.G in dis block...i wont really blame da judges bcos i dnt think dey are really into rap sh1t,on like ma own battle i lost to Jamolus,i heard a judge talk abt storyline..some other battles too werent judged well like RAW and one other mc...dats by gone,but as far as am concerned dis match between shaev7 and ressy is too hard and tough to pick a winner.to me its a battle tie.thanks

Da Arrogant Millitant
both contestent r gud,bt shave z better then res..thk u for ur view

Alebi 2011/05/04 18:35
my vote is 4 [shaev7] the best bars here!
michealjay 2011/05/04 20:32
Infact no one
NinthElement 2011/05/04 21:04
That was an awful lot to take in - both players clearly pulled out all the stops for this final battle. It's a close one but I found Resphanto's verses just a fraction more forceful and agreeably inventive so I'll vote for him.
Xtr3m3_4_3va 2011/05/04 22:16
I battle that is full of blood shed n unlimited punches by both mcees,its a tigh... I go for a rematch[2 verses]
my_INT3STIN3 2011/05/04 22:22
Wel if yall know d rulez there must b a winner...
Like ASKARI sed,match tie,Jamolus2003 sed they shud re-match. Nah


punchez-short bt acurately used n perfect
wordplays-just 75%
metaphorez- dats gr8.
Nameplays- nil
flows- alws a don deal perfect.


Multies- gud bt kinda struglin wt d words.
Nameplay- nil or juz1
wordplay- 10%
flows- not 2gud.
Metaphorez- xcellent.
Punchez- dope n greate.

ths is whr d batl began...

Multies- acurately used n skoolin Resphanto,perfect.
Punches- man,datz like EMINEM,he's gud.
Flows- he got it 80%
metaphores- samethn wt EMINEM,dey kill
wordplay- he got em there. 75%
namplay- nil

multies-stil lackz arangement. Gud.
Punches-comin same way bt lackz acuracy.
Metaphorez-juz tryn to bring dem,dey dope.
Flows- nice
wordplay- gud
nameplay- nil.

Multies- perfect
punchez- used acurately. Perfect.
Flows- nice there.
Metaphorez- over kilin n wel used. Perfect.
Wordplay- exellent.
Nameplay- wow, 'RESPHANTO' 2 'NERMATODE'. Dat wil cmbination of punchln n nameplay,PERFECT.

Seems to be draggn at d last verse cuz shaev choked him up there like eminem did at the last rap of 8-MILE.
He said it all,and Resphanto got nutin to say. Tho,he faught tight man.

This reminded me of MCVEE vs MILLIAN . A match one cnt 4get.
So wt dis analysis, THE VOTE GOES TO SHAEV7.
He deserves cuz from wat i saw,he faught from the initials of d tournament to ds last stage.
Man datz d spirit.
Shaev7 4me.

--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2011/05/05 17:00
Am lost agen..-luk-
Replies: 31

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#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.