** 5G Technology!! by ROCKY13 2011/04/30 09:07
5G Technology!!!
ROCKY13 2011/04/30 09:07
Its going to be the next revolution after 2G Technology , 3G Technology and 4G Technology . 5G technology , the latest trend also known as 5th generation technology is becoming the most admired fuel for the cellular phones. With the advent of 5G, global mobility is about to shrink where you can access you entire office on your very advanced PDA or cellular phones. 5G technology is about to offer immensely strengthen data transfer capabilities and exhaustive voice call volumes and data broadcast. If technology experts are to be believed, 5G has a seamless capability to support software and consultancy and well-arranged Router and switching connectivity.
ROCKY13 2011/04/30 09:07
5G Technology is The Next Wave

The 5G technology has brought up an exhaustive change in the cellular phone market that enables users to access international mobile phones on local flexibilities. This highly vibrant technology wraps up amazing data capabilities with high end data connectivity. As name implies, this is probably the highest improvement over the 1G , 2G , 3G , and 4G technologies. 5G Technology has considerably changed the entire foray of telecommunication with reliability, improved capacity and lightening data transfer. Data management and compatibility of voice data over the networks are some of the astounding features of this new entrant in the home. It has considerable advantages and positive aspects than its counterparts.

ROCKY13 2011/04/30 09:08
Advantages of 5G Technology

As quoted above, 5G technology has offered a number of business advantages to the business organizations and customers in comparison to its previous counterparts. Below are the salient features and advantages that 5th generation technology delivers to the global telecommunication users. These advantages let the service providers deliver some out of the box mobility solutions and affordable cellular plans to the users with full fledged and additional utilities.

1. The technology offers high resolution bi-directional large bandwidth
2. Contains an advanced billing interfaces
3. Providing high end subscriber supervision tools
4. Large extensive broadcasting of data in units of Gigabit
5. Transporter class gateway with unmatched performance
6. Widely accurate traffic statistics
7. Remote bandwidth management options
8. Up to 30MBPS of data connectivity speed
9. Great support for VPS support
10. Highest downloading and uploading speed
11. Enhanced and improved global connectivity

ROCKY13 2011/04/30 09:08
With very inception of 5G technology, the international cellular telephony will be changed from the scratch. In easy terms you can understand that the international mobility is going t be localize with more and more feature and utilities. 5G Technology will certainly upgrade the gadget, PDA and IPhone mania among the global users. This entirely new concept in the mobile communication is equipped with highly advanced operating systems and gigantic data storage in the affordable rates and in amazing lightening speed. Telecommunication industry has launched this brand new technology to overcome the technical bottlenecks and limitations of other applications prevailed in previous versions of the technological enhancements.
ACIDized 2011/04/30 15:17
It would be great but how long we have to wait for experiencing it.
_KJOE_ 2011/04/30 17:10
Nice thread /smiley
_KJOE_ 2011/04/30 17:11
/smileyNice thread /smiley
_rOcK_ 2011/04/30 18:41
if 5G technology is now developed in foreign then it will probably come 10years later in india lol....
jokie 2011/04/30 22:41
4G not yet come , 5G run in 5-8 year later
____THe.bosS 2011/05/02 12:56
Nice t0pic dudE
FalleN 2011/05/16 01:23
I'm still waiting for 4G. /smiley
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/05/27 13:18
I am still to use 3G, as i am quite happy using my 2G. Good informative stuff.
GhAyAl 2011/07/15 21:38
Thnkx f d info .good.
William 2011/08/20 12:58
Wow am proud of ur Information Mr Rocky
MaG 2011/08/29 05:42
still struggling in 3G /smiley
MaG 2011/08/29 05:43
Thanks for info on 5G /smiley
Joker 2011/10/13 17:43
Wait for it, yes its 6G /smiley
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