friendship quotes by onome4luv 2011/04/29 12:12
AprilSnow 2011/04/29 12:18
_MZ-KJOE_ 2011/04/29 12:26
Wait a minute
_KJOE_ 2011/04/29 12:32
Do you mean we should post friend text here?
TheMouse 2011/04/29 14:30
To my 2wap friends, have a great day! /smiley All others, do the same! This health advice is brought to you by [themouse]
_KJOE_ 2011/04/29 15:26
Have a wonderful day my 2wap-friends
GhAyAl 2011/04/29 16:03
4m whr?
_roshan_ 2011/04/29 16:56
my friends r like air they wont look but they r many wid me always.there is no place wid out my friends.where my friends r not der i wil die
onome4luv 2011/04/29 17:20
Kudos 2 all.

qoute As long as we have memories, yesterday remains, as long we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have friendship, each day is never a waist. /smiley

onome4luv 2011/04/29 17:42
more still coming

qoute It take a minute to find a special friend an hour to like them and an entire life to keep them in your heart.

qoute To live a life i need heartbeat, to have heartbeat i need a heart, to have a heart, i need happiness, to have happiness i need a friend, and for a friend i need you /smiley /smiley/smiley

Raul09 2011/04/29 20:46
Detected Error
geetha4u 2011/04/29 22:49
my frnd god has given us very little time therfore let us not fight with eachother n let us be gud frnds 4 ever
ACIDized 2011/04/30 08:02
A woman can become a man's friend only in the following stages - first an acquantaince, next a mistress, and only then a friend
ACIDized 2011/04/30 08:05
Friends are people that you think are your friends
But they're really your enemies, with secret indentities
and disguises, to hide they're true colors
So just when you think you're close enough to be brothers
they wanna come back and cut your throat when you ain't lookin

ACIDized 2011/04/30 08:06
The world would be so lonely, in sunny hours or gray. Without the gift of friendship, to help us every day
magnificent7 2011/04/30 08:34
SugarpLum 2011/04/30 09:03
"One friend in a lifetime
is much;two are many;
three are hardly possible."

mariz 2011/04/30 09:37
have great day 2 all.
_tiya_ 2011/04/30 10:24
Hello all 2wappers ! Have a great day!
Jaforey 2013/07/26 00:04
A TRUE friend is a friend in NEED and a friend INDEED. A true friendship stands forever in what trials troubles comes across their way.
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