Ucweb by hellboy 2011/04/23 09:07
Any buddy know how to use extra theme on UCweb browser.. Only 2 theme active there, but There ar many theme download option there but how to use that file in UCweb?? Plz help...
DareDevil 2011/04/23 10:25
Download the theme to your phone and it'll give you an option to set it, click on set and the theme will change /smiley
samii 2011/04/23 11:15
download modified version of ucweb
hellboy 2011/04/23 14:10
Quote: DareDevil: Download the theme to your phone and it'll give you an option to set it, click on set and the theme will change /smiley

bro i haven't yet find any option lyk that... /smiley

ndolbet 2011/04/24 16:07
take alook on download manager.the whole files that u have downloaded was stored on there.just click the file n theme will change
Ebruselis 2011/04/25 06:43
Does any one have a ucweb cheat? Pls specify the version and type. God bless.
DareDevil 2011/04/25 18:06
Quote: Burning_Heart:
bro i haven't yet find any option lyk that... /smiley
maybe you're storing it on your phone? It doesn't work when I store it in my phone too..

TemPEST 2011/12/02 11:08
Ucweb hard to get
Wondakid 2011/12/03 12:49
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