Virginity lolz by Sweet_Divyanka 2011/04/16 22:35
-heya- ppl lets have some fun here.Its about virginity -hahaha- When u lose it,age and how.Lets see about -haha3-

Sweet_Divyanka 2011/04/16 22:37
I've losed mine at 3years old and my water was cut at 3.5 years old and blod start dance to -hahaha-
_KJOE_ 2011/04/16 22:41
Am n0t a virgin since i was born
Sweet_Divyanka 2011/04/16 22:43
What /smiley
Quote: _KJOE_: Am n0t a virgin since i was born

jaQui 2011/04/16 22:48
Quote: Sweet_Divyanka: I've losed mine at 3years old and my water was cut at 3.5 years old and blod start dance to -hahaha-

0h' my gawd u gave lab0ur t0 a big fr0g/smiley

jaQui 2011/04/16 22:49
Quote: Sweet_Divyanka: I've losed mine at 3years old and my water was cut at 3.5 years old and blod start dance to -hahaha-

0h' my gawd u gave (lab0ur) birth t0 a big fr0g/smiley

Sweet_Divyanka 2011/04/16 22:50
In a small eprubete -hahaha-
Quote: jacki:

0h' my gawd u gave (lab0ur) birth t0 a big fr0g/smiley

jaQui 2011/04/16 22:53
Quote: Sweet_Divyanka: In a small eprubete -hahaha-
a big miscarage/smiley

Laketempest 2011/04/16 22:57
/smiley im still in a glass case bro
Sweet_Divyanka 2011/04/16 22:58
Like this /smiley after birth /smiley
Quote: jacki: a big miscarage/smiley

Sweet_Divyanka 2011/04/16 22:59
/smiley /smiley
Quote: Laketempest: /smiley im still in a glass case bro

CrEaTiVe 2011/04/17 01:49
Useless topic /smiley
Enrique 2011/04/17 01:51
Quote: _KJOE_: Am n0t a virgin since i was born
im so damn sure, , u dont have a penis too. . . .oh and pls dont comment again. . .agree. . .

Mahesh 2011/04/17 06:56
I had lost my virginity in my previous birth LOl..... /smiley
Dallah 2011/04/17 08:21
i lost it lonnnggg ago.dunno.
LoneLy_heArt 2011/04/17 08:42
Quote: DevilPrince: I had lost my virginity in my previous birth LOl..... /smiley

Sweet_Divyanka 2011/04/17 20:47
/smiley in wich era lol .lol.
Quote: DevilPrince: I had lost my virginity in my previous birth LOl..... /smiley

THE_SPEAR_KING 2011/04/18 08:00
i lost it.
i dont talk much
about my lost.

_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2011/04/18 09:02
Quote: Enrique: im so damn sure, , u dont have a penis too. . . .oh and pls dont comment again. . .agree. . .

LoneLy_heArt 2011/04/18 13:25
i lost it.
i dont talk much
about my lost.


THE_SPEAR_KING 2011/04/18 13:43
Quote: _subrat_: .hehe.


Replies: 43

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