chat for facebook by zolani 2011/04/15 04:39
Can someone help me, I have a BB 8520 curve,and I downloaded chat for FB, but all it does is just open FB like the mobile browser does, can anyone help me with matter.

_KJOE_ 2011/04/15 14:59
Next person
Choice 2011/04/15 15:37
no idea.
_KJOE_ 2011/04/16 06:33
I have no idea. Maybe you try an0ther
baron 2011/04/16 07:05
All u just have to do is to download another
yezzy 2011/04/17 00:45
Ebuddy what abt d settings
WheezyAde 2011/04/17 11:38
download the bookmark
kind 2011/04/17 15:12
Guy go and dnwnload ebuddy
Rilwan 2011/04/18 05:44
the application is not supported on your phone..
Nattyboy 2011/04/19 15:30
Go to and download fabebk chat appl. If i can get the direct link den i wil post it later.
qudus1 2011/04/20 07:15
u can download

qudus1 2011/04/20 07:16
pricy 2011/04/20 10:21
U knw there r diff types of BB, is ur own not already with fb apps b4
Tund88 2011/04/22 07:53
Download opera 4.2 cast/smiley
Tund88 2011/04/22 08:01
X charger in for symbia phone/smiley
ndolbet 2011/04/24 16:14 just like a sortcut
ndolbet 2011/04/24 16:17
then u should try download nimbuzz.thats an amazing chat apps. i am sure u are gonna be like it
Joshua1 2011/04/29 20:48
don't mine dem go download 2go, go to wap. and wil lk it hmmm.
lovemeikissu 2011/05/09 14:09
i have facebook id, but i not know how i see my frends. Can anybody help me for making and chatting with frends on facebook plez
donwalzy 2011/05/10 05:11
Try you best guy
Quote: _KJOE_: I have no idea. Maybe you try an0ther

xtimer 2011/05/10 05:56
I d hav d idea
Replies: 24

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