+BOOM TARAT TARAT+ by --CaTeRpILLaR-- 2011/04/11 12:57

A sPecial Request For a Special Pers0n...

Thiz for You mr.BOOMbastic aka SHAEL aka SAMMY69 aka SW8 HUNK aka HEART TROB.....-hehe-

Dance it so ul rememba'h me even U Hate Me yarrr.....


By our own...

+Willie Revillame+

One of the Greatest Dance Hitz in Phillipine...

--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2011/04/11 12:59

I love thiz song as i love him.../smiley

Thiz is a Funny Cute Video....


Do the m0ve guyz..../smiley


--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2011/04/11 13:09

Another vid clip of


Pictures n created by SPECIAL ONE....

Slim BrokenHeart...


Someone 2011/04/11 13:12
Hmmm... Song is good one /smiley and Aditional info abt Shael is good too. /smiley
--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2011/04/11 13:19
Quote: Vipul: Hmmm... Song is good one /smiley and Aditional info abt Shael is good too. /smiley

Wat Info/smiley

_Terry_ 2011/04/11 14:17
hmmm mare,favorite song in our country,from young to old.gus2 ko sumayaw lol
Someone 2011/04/11 14:35
Quote: __-ANGELABIE-__: Wat Info/smiley
I didn't knew abt all his nicks b4 ur topic. /smiley

--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2011/04/11 22:27
Quote: Vipul: I didn't knew abt all his nicks b4 ur topic. /smiley

His a Nick ChangER sweetie.mwah.

hYpNoTic_aNgEl 2011/04/12 01:01
hYpNoTic_aNgEl 2011/04/12 01:02
Quote: __-ANGELABIE-__:

His a Nick ChangER sweetie.mwah.
his nick alawaz change .hehe.

Manal 2011/04/12 01:07
leave sammy alone with his new life...
--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2011/04/25 04:26
Quote: manal: leave sammy alone with his new life...

Yeah i will dnt wory..../smiley
As u wish n as everbdy wish too...

LOVELY_GURL 2011/04/26 07:15
i think mush open eyes all to see it n check it.hehe.dont look face,body n etc ask more about him/smiley
WilLow_DarkSky 2011/04/26 07:26
Quote: manal: leave sammy alone with his new life...

Yes mare leave sammy for me his happy in his new life wid me/smiley

--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2011/04/28 23:56
Quote: _-PRINC3SS-_: i think mush open eyes all to see it n check it.hehe.dont look face,body n etc ask more about him/smiley

Wat do +u Mean'princez?/smiley

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