Raplordz RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAl vs Spektralflamez by
DotmonKing 2011/04/11 00:12
1. timelimit shall be 24 hourz.
2. 3 verses each by mcees (1 verse = 1 post total of 6 post after each match)
3. No interferance until after match.
4. No biting. winner getz 200 pluses and qualifies for the next round.
Goodluck to you raplords
RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAL 2011/04/11 09:28
...d3mons...flyin around dis zone...arrrgggghhhh
come take me away nw 4 re-enforcement in HELL/am a once human bt nw amma d3ad body whom da police JAIL/shaev mail me a letter havin d keys 4me 2 BAIL/oh damn dat amma ^tyrant^bitch ya dnt kno cal me ^DESPOT^IC^/ya juz spitin sh.t lyk ~droop~cuz dey ~drool~nw am havn words so ^GLYCOT^IC/im livin in bondage*bitch i tot u were UN^BEATEN/ahhhhhh,after dis match imma make u die n ur COCK^s^EATEN/now di ~devil~comes so ~evil~ am RaW~n~DiaboLICAL/so get ready 4dis WaR~in~AfghANISTAN/amma gona feed on ya HEAD/puk da crainium on my ~gallery~wt my rug made wt ur BEARD/lyka 'chainsaw massacre' i drain ur blood drink sum n paint my house RED/i ain got place 2'hang' my clothes,imma ~rip~out ur ^INTESTINE^n do dat wt da STRINGS/take out ur eye-ball,i n lucifer wana play pong~PINGS(PINGPONG)/oh no! Hell cum take me... I wana die! I juz wana die!!!...
Spektral pls KILL me now!amman agent of da d3ad so Feed on my NOW! My dick ain here no more,was taken by JESUS/im a d3ad man rappin,stabbd myslf wt SCISSORZ/nw i ain got butt,cuz d
broke my GLUTEUS/nw u wonda wat i spit,so u so STUPID/i dnt use sword no mur,i disect ya hoe body wt a KUKRI/am no ^christian^nor^muslim^f.ck yal cuz i hate ~hindi~in hell am da king^n^chair leader of VOO^DOO/im so rare,my life's ful of hair imma stabb u wit a ^spear^oh damn imma KOO^DOO/go round da wrld 2search 4me u'll find me sumwhre in d ^devil^temple^in china wt ~spiral~horns~smokin KUD^ZU/u ass imma force out ur POO^POO/n gv u 2eat em up lyk BOO^BOO/am so weird,now u am gona infest wt KU^RU/now i kno y u a pussy cuz u dad phukd ur mum wtout ^CLITORIS^/damn dat unbeaten dat sum ^SHIT^STORIES/i wanna make sure i say all in ds 1st verse cuz u gona b thrown down frm ^56^STORIES/all hail da ~dIaBoLiCaL~and imma b given da ^REAL^GLORIES/oh no,where's my broda ^BROTHER^LYNCH^HUNG/he brought bck 2 life wen we both in hell ^FU.CKTHA^BITCH^SKUNG^/now da spirit saw me sleepin @da GRAVE/n gave me da powerz 2kil anybody gruesomely da mis-be^HAVE/i kno 'misindependent' go lyk dis cuz am an xtinct DINO^SAURZ/nah am mor unknown cuz im da PLIO^SAUR/so now ^spektral^my words is abt 2 cut u so ^lethal^cuz u flame^wil becum ^lame^u ^spektral^wil become ^sextrap^get dat bitch cuz u D3AD! If u wana confirm dat cum open my H3AD!cuz in ds world n hemisphere,am da only niga wtout blood RED! Cuz dey black,n dnt BLEED!my 1 verse imma make sure the mur u READ! The less ur eyes SEE! N d mur u see,ur eyes bcomez WEAK! So judgez tak ur time,n play 2da CAMERA! Cuz ds guy is dead n u watch dat in da CINEMA!
Ahhhhrrrrgggggh...d3ath death d3ath... Cum tak me now...
=breath stoped=
Spektralflamez 2011/04/11 12:35
U said u ~ROAR~N~DIE~A~BALL~LICK~ER(diabolical)/i burn u up with da ^FLAMEZ^ qoate of psalm 91,so ^BIBLICAL^/send ya ^EVIL SPIRIT^ to hell,chained and ~TOTOURED~ get ur burnt carcaz ~VULTURED~on..sn ^ANTAGONISTICAL^/4 da ~COMMUNION~i bring da demonz in ~REUNION~i present ur blood to da ~POPE~make ur heart lose ^HOPE^/ingject into ur brain liquid of ~DOPE~cut ur nerves put it in an ^ENVELOPE^/magnify ur infected blood under da ~TELES~cope~ ^FLAMEZ^mercilezz,dip ur head into soapy water,die 4 u can't ^COPE^/i tear u up like a lion,i represent ^LEO^ on da ^HOROSCOPE^/i hold my handz wit 2 swordz like ^ANGEL MICHAEL^/trample on u diabolical~satan,crush ya head back 2 ^HELL^/i sprinkle on u holy water,make u ~CONVULSE~stop ya breathing ~PULSE~snatch out ya ~LUNGZ~with my ^CLAWZ^/till u bleed out with ~FORCE~i get ur veinz pierced on ^WILD THORNZ^/i'm much more evil than u can think,i capsize u like a ship wreck and make u ~SINK~seize ya neck and choke u with a ^STRING^/heat u in fire tn da ~BRIM~till u ^SHRINK^/i release more counter^ATTACKZ^/turn u to ~SLAVE ASHEZ~in my ^BARRACKZ^/technically attacking u like ^CYRAX^/i got da ~AGILITY~N~ABILITY~that take livez 2 ^FATALITY^/with a sledge break ya legz 2 a ~CRIPPLED~turn ur situiation 2 ^ABNORMALITY^/i dig a spear into ur ~PULMONARY ARTERY~so ur blood flowz in ^QUANTITY^/pack ur remainz like goods in a ^FACTORY^put ur body in an ~ACIDIC BATH~so u melt and turn ^WATERY^/flush u away thru da sewage as waste into a ^LOCAL COUNTRY^/i hang u on a ~PIG POLE~underneath a ~DEEP HOLE~of ^COLD FROST^/cut every tip of ya ~TOE~as i step on u with a ~HIGH HEELED SOLE~feel diz agony,grind ya legz into a beaver'z mouth 2 ^MERE DUZT^/open ya skull and implant ~GRENADEZ~explode till ur head ^BURST^/i force into and down ya throat with my ~UREA~tasting like ^ACIDIC~ LEMON~A.I.D.Z(lemonades)^/spray ~INSECT~inside(insecticide) into ur lungz,causing u ~NAUSEA~as u bleeding and sneezing,till ur breath ^FADEZ^/i'm ~NARCOTICALLY INSANE~extract ya spinal ~TECH~KNEE~CALI(technically)
Spektralflamez 2011/04/11 13:50
With my ~VOCAL BULLETZ~i make ur brain dull and ^SLOW~pee^(sloopy)^/i punch ya cranium~CRACKZ~ ur local~TRACKZ~make them sound ^LOW AND OFF KEY^/i ~WAX~..put into ur ribz an~AXE~ur blood flowz like ~SAUCE~in my ^SNACKZ^/i capture u ~HORSE~stage(hostage),make us life miserable in ~BOND~AGE~(bondage)^/i'm a natural being of ^IMMORTALITY^/death scared of my ~ACTUAL STATE~of ^SUPERNATURALITY^/ur killing me is my ^HEALTH RESTORATION^/ur crucifying me is my ^RESSURRECTION^/as u cut me,i intimidate u like ~WOLVERINE'Z~immediate ^HEALINGZ^/i rapidly jab into ur ribz wit my ^MACHETTA^/burrt ur fucqin brain open with my ^BARRETTA^/like my ~LYRICZ~bangz into ur earz like a ^DRIVIN' CHIESEL^/painful in ya earz like,pounding ur brain wit a ^PISTLE^/i ~REPRESENT~demon frm da underworld,seize ur soul,put ur flesh-n-memory in ^COMA^/i ~PRESENT~ur flesh 2 ~LUCIFER~pieceased to ~SHREDZ~intertwine ur intestines into ~DREADZ~what a ^TRAUMA^/ur mama ~ILL~BITCH~i ~TRANS~FORM~HER(transformer)into a low class ^WHORE^/take her round da globe tropicz to be fucked by ~HOMO~sapiens~ on a ^TOUR^/get shattered by~MIZZ~isles(missiles),cos my presence is an ^ART~OF~WAR^/i lay my sledge on ya head like ^MIGHTY THOR^/bang ur skull against da spiked~DOOR^/~BLEED~ out on da streetz of ^ROME^/better ~PLEAD~or u get slaughtered,shameful in front of ya ^HOME^/put ur head in my ~WIND TURBINE~get ur~CRANIUM~ grounded into dust particlez of ^URANIUM^/see ur obituary(R.I.P) 2 ya ^FALIURE^/raw n diabolical take my handz as ~SIGN~OF~FRIENDSHIP^/but still i watch my back,hence i ~SIGH~frm behinde,behead u ,as i murder ur ^LEAD~HER~SHIP^(leadership)/i nail ya 2 da wall thru ur ~SPINAL~with da act of ^CRUCIFICTION^/fix an ~INHALER~into ur nose,filled with poisnous gas like ^SCIENCE FICTION^/castrate u throw u in hell 4 ^CONDEMNATION^/as i jai~rate,i drink ya blood sucked frm ya ~NURSE~THRILLZ~(nostrills) with high ^CONCENTRATION^/i dig out ya two eyeballz frm da ^SOCKETZ^/fill into them termitez,eat up ya brain,present ur skull to my ~EYE~DOLLZ~
RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAL 2011/04/11 16:05
^^HURT ME MORE^^ HURT^ME^MORE^ i want PHUKN MORE!!!... Now i kno hw stupid u ARE,damn u jus repeatin my 1st VERZE, oh sh.t dis skung neva new hell is my HOUSE/and da wife of lucifa is my SPOUSE/nw u run lyka MOUSE/handlin my soul 2'HELL? Graces and more POWERZ!/ur blood imma make run lykan ocean,turn da torque n i SHOWER/nw am nt gona say much/cuz i alrdy said alot/wat am gona do nw is 2hav u turn 2 salt/lyk da phukn wife of Lot/nw u fail da commandments...
Hahaggggrrrrhhh!!!no ^MULTIEZ^no^PUNCHIEZ^ur sisterz ar my^SHAWTIEZ^wateva u said,i'd said em B4/u juz givin me bck my rhymez i smashd u wt da 4door FORD/i am da only hommie dat ate d margots on my SKULL/da only hommie dat lickd my mumz pusy n swallow her PUR/nw u jus spitin lyk u ar RAW!/watch ya TONGUE/cuz shaev is outa heaven's gate n he left da DOOR/u beta go ther cuz u abt 2b CONSUME/i got poisonuz PERFUME/dat phuckn CHOKE^U/wen u persiv da FUME/yeah i ate my ^ball^cuz i needed 2fry sum EGGS/i phukn baptize u dick wt 20000 litrez of ^cumz^nw datz ready 4 SEX/nw each tym u ~release~ur eyez fallz it SUCK^EARTH(SOCKET)/n ur body movment gona b chngn wt ur leg lyk ^DUCK^LEG/............its ^RAW!^..........nw lemme ~endish.t~am abt 2 infes d nigga ^LAME^SORE/i got ^CLAWS^ dan da 'wild cat' and more teeth dan ^CHAIN^SAW/its time... Its time!!! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............... 4da DOOM's^DAY^/i'v alrdy bin judged both on Earth n HELL includin heaven nw letz listn 2wat dis ^FOOL^SAYS/u juz ran^2VERZ^wtout water/non of em touchd me nt even a quarter/try 2mak it longer but dey bcom mur shorter/ahhhhhh uhhh cum on gurl,bitch go on jackoff bitch jackoff yeah harder n harder! oh sh.t i luv dat ^diabolica sex^by lucifas daughter/i only wana tel u dat i phukd my own motha/n my dad phukd ur motha/ds ^INSAINITY^of me canot b CURED/n ur ^VIRGINITY^was taken by ***(censored)/dont try 2b me cuz i ain 'NAS' am DEM^MAYHEM/its juz me n dats 'the way i am' cuz my flow's lyk ^EMINEM^/damn i nid da mic bt nt ^LiSt3d^s DICK/cuz heard sh.t sumwhr around btwin Askari n Jamo's BEEF/man dats SH.T/so gimme ur spektral oh no battery lemme use ur wife's TITS/cuz dey cn serv on ur dick as CMOS^BATTERIES/lemme end dis by beatin ur spirit outa ur body n initiate u wt D3MONS^tru^ur ^ATTERIES/
Spektralflamez 2011/04/11 18:41
I seize ya ~NECK~clipped and ~FORKED~on da ~DEVIL'Z~TRIDENT~ get u hung on da cross of ^CALVARY^/as u bleed on da ~DECK~ get ur memory ~LOCKED UP~get ur head chopped off,display in my ^GALLERY^/i got ur bent skeletal frame,chained in ~HELL~ 4 ^EXHIBITION^/i ~RAVAGE~likd a ~SAVAGE~cut ur intestines like ^GABBAGE^/frm my ~CATTHAGE~release series of bulletz to ur skull,put ur body in da coffin,like a ~MUMMY~ in ^BANDAGE^/with my ~BULL~DOZE~HER~(bulldozer),smash u into da ~HIGH SEA~get u devoured by da ^KILLA SHARKZ^/let ur blood flow like a menstral bitch that ^BARKZ^/u ~MONEY~TOUR~LIZARD~(monitor lizard),i get u grinded up like an insect in da ~CROP~of a ^GIZZARD^/turn u an imbecile like an^ANCIENT WIZZARD^/i'm ~MURDEROUSLY~GORGEOUSLY~ANONYMOUZ~,my punches send strikez like lightening to ur brain with ^THUNDEROUS~STRIKEZ^/nail into ur eardrum so ~VIGOROUSLY~SPONTANEOUS~actions with ~NINE~inch ^SPIKEZ^/i dig an axe intn ur ~RIBZ~cut ur ~LIMBZ~with knivez,mark ur skull like ^ADIDAS~3~STRIPEZ^/i seize ur ~SOUL~at da ~APEX~of da ^SPIRITUAL REALM^/spill ur blood into da ~BOWL~serve 2 da demons of superior~COMPLEX~turn ur carcas to a ^VISUAL STEAM^/i clip ya breathing pipe with metal ^PEGZ^/die slow in ya clutchez as i dilapitate ur ^LEGZ^/u finally ~CHOKED~struggling wit death,and u lose ur ^LAST~BREATH^/send cancer 2 ya ^HEALTH^/extract ur ~VERTEBRA~COLUMN~with a plier,weigh in high ^VOLUME^/i eat ur flesh ~raw~and sprinkkd ya blood on my alter so ^DIABOLICAL^/welcome to diz ~BLACK DAY~ of ya ^EXECUTION^/i get u chained on da seat of ~DEATHROW~4 ya ~ELECTRICUTION~feel diz high voltage,dry ur blood into hay,get da ^PERSECUTION^/i deep ur head in da ~COLD MUD~get u choked by^FROST^/i act on u triple fold,extract ur ^VOCAL CHORD^/put u in da ~SULPHURIC ACID~melt u into ^DUST^/i disconect ya ~THORASIC~put 9 inch nail into ya ~CAVITY~die in hell like a ^SALVATION~LOST~SOUL~OF~VANITY^/u're lower compared to my ^CAPACITY^/i throw punches like ~TYSON'S~punches cut thru ^IORN^i crush u like a wounded ^LION^/on mount ^ZION^/
RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAL 2011/04/11 22:45
Still SAME THIN... Praising me @al tymes each time u mention HELL...OK watch dis am not gona do ^MUCH^RHYMEZ/but juz ^PUNCH^LINEZ/cnt even gt wat u sayin juz ^OFF^LINEZ/wait 4ds las vas cuz imma mak sur u die wt 1 ^PUNCH^LINE/
d3mon calls me/d sky fallz on me/oh damn ds homo speck i tak his balls n flee/hahahaha...yo so STUPID/yu wana dis me da CUPID/oh hel knows imma mak da cross ur PULPIT/yu gona die lyk yungbos ate by BUSHMEAT/too bad ya dissed urself in ur own LAST^VERSE/i gues u avoided dat datz y u didn't BLAST^FIRST/nw am gona tel 2wap how u dissed ur NAS^ASS(nasty ass)/first u told us dat ur real name was ^SPECK^TRAL^FLAME^/but @ur last post u made it clear dat u ar now knw as ^SKELETAL^FRAME/also u chaind me in HELL/ 'fool!' how many timez 'll tel u i ws born n brot in HELL/cuz u wana spit ~ill~datz y u gona YELL/extractin all da extractees frm my body,u dnt kno wat 2 RAP/i cnt feel any heat there,al i c is WHACK/so oozin dat 2wap cnt evn stand,cuz dey say it STANK/oh damn saw margots on ur rap,they so phukn YACK!/lyk da addidas u mention i'll make ur head bald wt its CAP/u juz a blunt rapper contestin wt watz SHARP/cuz dat same SHARK/u mentiond gon feed on u whe she's STARVED/nxt tym wen batln me dnt eva mention 'death' y? Cuz am alrdy made of THAT/so stop pestin around u lil mouse u'l soon b eatn by huge CAT/u punch lyk Tyson y did u bit Holyfied by da EAR/u cnt fite n nw u sayn sum sh.t HERE/words lyk wounded LION/ -laughs- bt 'misindependent' say they sound lyk OMARION/its my principle n ima tel u am ^PHY^SICK^ALY^~DEAD^n SPIRIT^UALY^ALIVE/i cn c ds bitch is ^SYSTEM^ATIC^ALY~SCARED^n^CYNIC^ALY^ALIVE/life's a ~circle~if u've bin here ONCE^u gon b here TWICE^KRS-ONE i ^ATTACK^u^SNEAKILY/its nt a joke punk i beat u ASS^LEGALY/leme sho u how death cumz 1st i'll electrocute u wt 37,000v THUNDER^BOAT/chok u wt 3000 boxes filled polar bear n tiger skins made ROYAL^COAT/in ds life so many sinz ar on me cuz i've taken several LIVEZ/judgez n all watch as tak ds wet pant boy 2 ^SLAUGHTER^HOUSE/where he shal b made n feast upon by real geez(shaev,LiSt3d,resphanto,el-jay)with several KNIVES/
my head,my head...!!! Doctor stop! Stop openin my skull.! Am dyin n cumin alive! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Help!!eellllppppppp my dick is suckd by snake......ahhhhhh where s specktral..?oh hell/luk @him down there he's drownd in da well/ ~pukin blood~tryin 2 revive,cardiovascular metre stopz!!
dog_si_natas(spell backward)
ACIDized 2011/04/12 08:41
It was a close one!
1st verse- Spectral for personal
2nd & 3rd- RaW-N-diaBoLicAl.
So I vote RaW-N-diaBoLicAl
ACIDized 2011/04/12 12:59
The battle started at (16:12) Sun, 10 Apr 11, So it should be closed at 16:12 Mon, 11 Apr 11 as the rules say!!!
Dotmon closed it 2 hours before. So I had to consider RaWz 3rd verse cuz it's as per the rulez!
DotmonKing 2011/04/12 13:41
ACIDized: The battle started at (16:12) Sun, 10 Apr 11, So it should be closed at 16:12 Mon, 11 Apr 11 as the rules say!!!
Dotmon closed it 2 hours before. So I had to consider RaWz 3rd verse cuz it's as per the rulez!
i go with you. His 3rd verse stands. The rules clearly states 24 hrs and he didnt exceed the 24 hrs limit with his 3rd verse.
Thus all 6 verses are legit.
Now i await the result of our other judges.
NinthElement 2011/04/12 20:35
Very creative stuff from RaW_N_dIaBoLiCaL but impressive work by Spektralflames too.
Indeed it was a close one. I felt Spektral was more focused overall though so my vote is for him.
Boet 2011/04/13 16:27
Spektra's cut was right to the bone, while Raw_N_Diabolical had great fluency. Overall, i think Spektra for his better compiling of words
MisIndependent 2011/04/13 19:32
Sory diabolical, 2 me, ur words play is an apology....all i'd say is u shuld learn 2 knw where, wen n how 2 make ur wordzplay hav a rythm. Ma vote 4 spectra isnt coz he's beta bt its a game, n he take it...
This topic is closed.
Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.