Mother Earth wants to say something. . . ! by LoneLy_heArt2011/04/09 09:17 I think Mother Earth has something to say about all the abuse that is done to her, through her and in her by the the children of men or mankind.
Mankind you have tested stuff on me
almost since the beginning of time.
I give you food to sustain life, and you have not been my friend.
What happened to you mankind?
Nuclear weapons worldwide stockpiled.
society says get a good education, to the children life's great just smile!
You test poison in the air, and plant poison in the ground.
Explode things in the oceans, creating havoc all around.
The rivers flow to and fro, the beast only feast when hungry.
And the flowers bud and the trees grow, they haven't harmed anyone I know!
In the name of religion you hold people down You make them paupers give them their crowns.
All things are obedient to God be the glory.
what happened humankind whats your story?
I will defend my turf says mother earth, even the ones that hurt me I gave birth!
I am the wind, storms, tsunamis, especially the rain, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, even hurricanes!
Quote: Mahesh: Earth is very beautiful but dew to us we have made this beautiful plant a part of hell. It seems nobody ever cares. Whats it gonna be like generations to come. Peoples are careless and ignorant. Its bad that people dont realize that how serious it is.