*What is Trojan Horse? by Someone 2011/04/04 11:23
What is Trojan Horse?
From: World wide web. -lol-

A computer Trojan Horse (or Trojans for short) is a piece of software that works in a concealed manner so that you may think it is doing one thing when in reality it is doing another. A Trojan Horse derives its name from the Trojan War.

It is important to note that a Trojan Horse is not a virus. It does not replicate itself as viruses do. While it may sometimes be destructive, it may also be useful for example when you need to administer your server remotely. However most Trojans are designed to be malicious and hence the wrongly used term Trojan Horse virus.
Someone 2011/04/04 11:26
What does a Trojan Horse do?

Non-malicious Trojan Horse programs are used for remote access, remote managing, security software, Denial-of-service attack(DoS) and forensics.

Malicious Trojan Horses work by gaining remote access to ur machine & performing a harmful task. Trojans can be used to get ur personal information such as ur passw, credit card numbs & other information stored on ur computer. They can also be used to spy on u, to delete or change certain files or to direct u to certain sites or send mails to people in ur address book. They can also be used to damage your hardware.

Most attackers know that it may be easy to discover a virus that is making its rounds from its name. They will therefore try to achieve the same task by hiding it in another program that you think is useful when, in reality, it is not. The Trojan Horse camouflages itself so that it appears like a part of the system and hence you continue with your activities unaware of the malicious codes presence.

Someone 2011/04/04 11:32
Types of Trojan: The different types of Trojan Horses are as follows...

1) Remote Access Trojans: Abbreviated as RATs, a Remote Access Trojans are potentially the most damaging, designed to provide the attacker with complete control of the victim's system.

2) Data Sending Trojans: A type of a Trojan horse that is designed to provide the attacker with sensitive data such as passwords, credit card information, log files, e-mail address or IM contact lists. They could install a keylogger and send all recorded keystrokes back to the attacker.

3) Destructive Trojans: Once this Trojan is installed on your computer, it will begin to systematically or completely randomly delete information from your computer. This can include files, folders, registry entries, and important system files, which likely to cause the failure of your operating system.

4) Proxy Trojans: A type of Trojan horse designed to use the victim's computer as a proxy server. This gives the attacker the opportunity to conduct illegal activities, or even to use your system to launch malicious attacks against other networks.

5) FTP Trojans: A type of Trojan horse designed to open port 21 (FTP) and acts like an FTP server. Once installed, the attacker not only could download/upload files/programs to victim's computer but also install futher malware on your computer.

6) Security Software Disabler Trojan: A type of Trojan horse designed stop or kill security programs such as an antivirus program or firewall without the user knowing. This Trojan type is normally combined with another type of Trojan as a payload.

7) DoS Attack Trojans: These trojans are used by the attacker to launch a DoS/DDoS attack against some website or network or any individual. In this case they are well known as "Zombies".

Laketempest 2011/04/04 11:43
thanks for sharing it bro......
ACIDized 2011/04/04 11:54
Are trojans coded in perl? /smiley
_ HorTiculTurisT_ 2011/04/04 11:55
nice informative topic.../smiley thanks 4 sha
ring with us./smiley

Someone 2011/04/04 12:07
Quote: ACIDized: Are trojans coded in perl? /smiley

Mahesh 2011/04/04 12:11
Thanks for the info bro. . .
skinny_C 2011/04/04 12:46
wow,cool vipul
_rOcK_ 2011/04/04 12:47
nice info but not all will like it
_dreamprince_ 2011/04/04 13:23
nice info bro/smiley keep it up
Manal 2011/04/05 03:22
/smileyNORTON IS THE ANSWER-Gap-and dont me scared anymore im fed up of paying and updating my anti virus/smiley
Someone 2011/04/05 06:13
Quote: manal: /smileyNORTON IS THE ANSWER-Gap-and dont me scared anymore im fed up of paying and updating my anti virus/smiley
/smiley Use pirated-cracked softwares.

Topcat1 2011/04/13 18:46
Acidez gud question !
jokie 2011/04/23 02:34
U always give gud info , kep it up /smiley
ROCKY13 2011/04/25 10:49
Trojan horse

A Trojan horse, or trojan for short, is a term used to describe malware that appears, to the user, to perform a desirable function but, in fact, facilitates unauthorized access to the user's computer system. The term comes from the Trojan Horse story in Greek mythology. the Trojan horse was given to the Trojans by the Greeks during a siege as gift of surrender. The Trojans, happy with victory against the Greeks accepted the enormous horse as a gift without realizing that it was filled with Greek soldiers. While the Trojans partied the Greeks came out of the horse and opened the gates to allow their entire army to enter inside the walls of Troy. Trojan malware works much the same way, it pretends to be something it is not and fools you into accepting it into your computer, where it will run and do whatever it is intended to do, sometimes without your knowledge.

Trojan horses are not self-replicating which distinguishes them from viruses and worms. Additionally, they require interaction with a hacker to fulfil their purpose. The hacker need not be the individual responsible for distributing the Trojan horse. It is possible for hackers to scan computers on a network using a port scanner in the hope of finding one with a Trojan horse installe rojan horses are designed to allow a hacker remote access to a target computer system. Once a Trojan horse has been installed on a target computer system it is possible for a hacker to access it remotely and perform operations. The type of operations that a hacker can perform are limited by user priviliges on the target computer system and the design of the Trojan horse itself.

Operations which could be performed by a hacker on a target computer system include deletion of files, modification of files, uploading and downloading of files, installation of software (including other malware), and data theft.

There are many Antivirus softwares that are designed to detect and delete Trojan horses ideally preventing them from ever being installed. It may be possible to remove a Trojan horse manually given a full understanding of how that particular Trojan horse operates, however if it is possible that a Trojan horse has been used by a hacker to access a computer system it will be difficult to know what damage has been done and what other problems have been introduced. In situations where the security of the computer system is critical it is advisable to rebuild it from known good software.

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