-BIRADDALI- by --CaTeRpILLaR-- 2011/04/03 23:44

In philippine means an -ANGEL-..
The composer and singer by his own...
A half Malay/Pilipino singer named..


He dedicate this song to his Special Lady of his Life...

And i dedicate too this song to my one n only -BIRADDALL-
Whoever he is....
Hope u lyk it guyz..
Thiz is my fave too...

--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2011/04/03 23:46

I love u -BIRADDALI- of mine...

I rily lyk this s0ng and also the singer..this was one of his last composition before he died in accident..../smiley

DEN BISA iloveu.....


Basim360 2011/04/04 03:42
Gud m u Z i c. But video is nt do /smiley this
Xtr3m3_4_3va 2011/04/05 07:13
Is the song interesting.
Bizze-bobo 2011/04/13 04:28
_KJOE_ 2011/04/15 16:59
AprilSnow 2011/04/17 13:33
Nice songs!It's in our very own language.
_SpiRitOFvqniTy_ 2011/04/26 15:13
Tausug Language. . The title song bidaddari not biraddali. .
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