OUR BIG WAP MOMENT (Lake & Rao) by Laketempest 2011/03/24 20:31
Laketempest & Mr.Rao made history on 24/3/2011!

On 5/3/2011 i created a new record of 43 topics in one day see here which was broken on 13/3/2011 see here with a new record of 206 being set, which is now broken by me on this day 24/3/2011 with my 222.

It was good seeing the record broken by a few (special congrats to them) but today i decided to get my record back lol, and i did it with the mental support of one of the most loyal sweet human on earth, that man is Mr.Rao, he kept "go on bro, you will get there" and i kept encouraging him to go at the 200 mark. After a few hours we did it.

I am proud to share in a topic making partnership of more than 400 topics in one day with my brother Mr.Rao.

Laketempest = 222.
Mr.Rao = 200.

A combined 422 that saw the search option on main page reach 96.
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