ANIMAL HOOF FACTS by Laketempest 2011/03/22 14:40
> Ungulate is a term for any hoofed mammal.

> The word unguis is a noun that refers to a nail, claw, hoof, or clawlike structure.

> Cows are considered even-toed ungulates. pigs, camels, and deer are also even-toed ungulates.

> The hoof consists of hornlike dermal skin tissue, comparable to the human fingernail. This hornlike tissue unguis extends over the end of a broadened terminal digit.

> The hoof is made up of keratin which also makes up hair, nails, horn, wool, and feathers.

> Keratin is a fibrous protein. Of the amino acids in keratin, cystine may account for up to 24%.

> The numerous disulfide bonds formed by cystine cause keratin to be very stable.

> Keratin is not water soluable, and it is not able to be attacked by the various enzymes that break up proteins.

> The modern English word hoof is decended from the Middle English word hoof which came from the Old English hof.
Zaphara 2011/03/22 16:11
Its a good info lol..i dnt knw this mammal,sounds interesting.. Good job lol
-Annie- 2011/03/22 16:17
nice indo good research
-Annie- 2011/03/23 05:45
you really good research
_nICK_ 2011/03/23 06:02
gOOd research brO
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/01 10:08
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