Edible Insects by Saintless 2011/03/21 04:17
Name here some edible insects. Have you eaten them, any of them? :-/
Saintless 2011/03/21 04:18
Locusts, I heard some people eat locusts...
-Annie- 2011/03/21 05:56
no never eat them
Laketempest 2011/03/21 08:43
(demo1) they have nice cream inside when we eat them lol
Mahesh 2011/03/21 10:00
Honet ants, if you squeeze them, honey comes out. You can eat the insects too./smiley
Muwale 2011/03/22 09:03
Long winged termites.
Fluxion 2011/03/22 10:25
no never eat them
Boet 2011/03/28 19:06
Locusts,termites, sand roach, grubs and other worms, certain moths, rhino beetles, are all edible insects. However, certain species of moth are highly toxic
TemPEST 2011/11/24 00:03
I think i hv eaten many which i don't really know there names.the truth of it,some are delicious
Shanna 2012/03/10 06:55
i have heard some people eat cockroaches....which really grosses me out....
Dangerboy 2012/03/10 14:08
In nigeria this is one of the special food.

Male1974 2012/03/15 05:12
grasshoppers are edible,if u pull the head off and pull out the guts..havent ate insects b4 tho.
Kanchan 2012/03/23 11:43
Native crickets. Haven't tried any and I ever won't. .lol.
_EdGE_ 2012/03/26 04:48
(demo1) akki have eaten this one /smiley
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