Funny Acronyms by ACIDized 2011/03/18 10:29
Motor co.'s

CHEVY: Cannot Have Expensive Vehicle Yet

FORD: Fix or Repair Daily

JEEP: Just Expect Every Problem

TOYOTA: Too Often Yankees Overprice This Auto

VOLVO: Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object

HOLDEN: Hope Our Luck Doesn't End Now

BUICK: Big Ugly Import Car Killer

DODGE: Dead On Day Guarantee Expires -haha-

Funny Acronyms of countries

AFRICA: After F%*k, Remember I'll Call Again

CANADA: Cute And Naughty Action Developed into Attraction

CHINA:[ Come Home I Need Affection

ENGLAND: Every New Guy Leaves After Ninety Days

EGYPT: Everything's Great, You Pretty Thing!

KENYA: Keep Everything Nice, Yet Arousing

pERU: Porget Everyone... Remember Us. (Some Filipinos pronounce Forget as Porget;))

pHILIPPINES: Pumping Hot.. I Love It! Please Please.. I Need Erotic Stimulation!
Lelsi 2011/03/18 11:05
MAFIA 2011/03/18 14:02
_KJOE_ 2011/03/18 14:45
/smiley great /smiley
Lastborn20 2011/03/18 20:48
9ice joke
BrownSkin 2011/03/19 05:14
lol @ car acronyms.
Crownfad 2011/03/19 18:58
cool.. and funny .lol.
Basim360 2011/03/22 23:59
G00d thing,
_nICK_ 2011/03/23 05:17
u r very funny good joke
Muwale 2011/03/30 05:47
Acronyms indeed.
ACIDized 2011/04/02 07:26
Some more
USA: Under skirt activities
paris: Please Allow Romance In School

Elfuego 2011/04/02 15:57
Undiscover 2011/04/02 18:37
Ok-ok !!!! /smiley
Hareesh 2013/06/22 09:43
G.sharing. . .
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/26 14:06
Repent 2015/01/10 21:35
Your ancronyms have made my day! /smiley (clap). Best comedy ever
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