Laketempest 2011/03/14 22:42
Which of the 3 animals would you prefer having as a pet? And why?
(a) dog.
(b) cat.
(c) monkey
MFLOW 2011/04/01 23:44
TemPEST 2011/11/23 23:50
Between dog nd monkey it depends there size but an average monkey will suit my taste
manjsrecord 2011/11/29 22:43
I luv dogs bcos am use 2 dem n d ar humans bst friend
manjsrecord 2011/11/29 22:49
My dog will b 8years old on 2nd of dsemda 2011.
TheMouse 2011/12/02 05:44
A monkey, coz we'd have so much in common - I love bananas, nuts, and swinging on suspended car tyres.
Bettle 2011/12/01 23:03
Dog. I keep it as a guard. Always indicate wen sum1 is near.
Phoebe3 2012/02/11 09:50
Only DOG .
Smarty 2016/12/09 07:04
The blue one, I think. You have to speak more clearly.
karthikrk 2017/02/02 23:32
i have dog&cat so i would prefer monkey
jaQui 2017/02/27 18:38
dogs and bunnies
Smarty 2017/03/11 12:50
The big one, I think. Why did the robot cross the road?
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