THE LAND OF THE DEAD by Laketempest 2011/03/14 15:19
> We know a great deal more about Egyptian afterlife than we do about their culture. The Egyptians wrote on sheets made from stalks of papyrus. The papyrus disintegrated over time in the humid climate. Time also destroyed the mud brick homes of the Egyptians. What we do know about ancient Egypt comes mainly from their great pyramids. The pyramids were stone structures built as tombs and monuments to their pharaohs.

> The Egyptians believed that death led to an afterlife where the dead person cultivated their Elysian Field. As long as the body existed, a person continued to live in the afterlife. The Egyptians carefully buried their dead in dry sand with their most treasured possessions. Children were buried with their toys so that they could play in the afterlife. The Egyptians were very careful to say only good things about the dead.

> The Egyptians believed their leader, the pharaoh, was their link to the afterlife, so they took particular care in preserving the pharaoh’s bodies as mummies. Egyptian mummification was an expensive and time-consuming process, so it was used only for the pharaoh and the very rich. The body was cut on the side to remove the intestines, liver, stomach, and lungs. The organs were then wrapped in linen and stored in jars. The brain was removed through the nose using long hooks. The Egyptians did not understand the importance of the brain, so they often discarded it.

> The body was stuffed for about forty days to drain any fluids. When the stuffing was removed, the body was very dry, and smaller than in life. It was again stuffed with packing and covered in jewels. The body was then wrapped in about twenty layers of linen.
ImmaBE 2011/03/14 20:48
cool /smiley
Eternal_Knight 2011/03/15 07:25
Nice info. . . . . . .
justinae1 2011/03/16 04:55
Cool! I love egyptian history.
ACIDized 2011/03/16 08:19
It's bout mumification, /smiley why its named land of dead?
_KJOE_ 2011/03/16 16:15
/smiley Nice
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/11 18:22
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