Uc browser by _cowboy_ 2011/03/13 15:57
Uc browser is very fast for downloading purpose.we can download 2or more @a time
Eternal_Knight 2011/03/13 16:34
Oh really i didnt know that.....
Mensah 2011/03/13 17:55
Basim360 2011/03/13 18:09
Via bolt i can download 5 or more files same time.!
MFLOW 2011/03/13 18:29
Is god 4 me
_cowboy_ 2011/03/14 01:36
Use uc.b and save the file u want to download.@ same time u can browsing,caling and smsing option.if the phoNE IS SWITCD OF or u want to exit the browser the file wil be savd
Basim360 2011/03/14 01:39
Quote: Sarath_itzme: Use uc.b and save the file u want to download.@ same time u can browsing,caling and smsing option.if the phoNE IS SWITCD OF or u want to exit the browser the file wil be savd
really *omg*

kayusfrank 2011/03/14 08:48
It's sounds good.
Basim360 2011/03/14 13:13
Quote: kayusfrank: It's sounds good.

Manal 2012/10/02 06:43
Quote: _knight_warrior_: Uc browser is very fast for downloading purpose.we can download 2or more @a time
i like uc via nokia

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