*defeat satan* by
jaQui 2011/03/10 16:31
When you carry the Bible, Satan gets a headache....
when you open it, he collapses.....
When he sees you reading it, he faints..... When he sees that you are living what you read, he flees.....
And when you are about to forward this message....
he will try and discourage you.... .flower1.
*I just defeated him*
TheMouse 2011/03/10 20:49
U mean, like keeping Dracula away by hanging garlic round your door?
_dreamprince_ 2011/03/11 04:00
nice topic with good meaning,when GOD is around there is no evil
ImmaBE 2011/03/11 05:14
nice one jacki
jaQui 2011/03/11 07:42

U mean, like keeping Dracula away by hanging garlic round your door?
yeah, garlic and cheese for the mouse-hahaha-
jaQui 2011/03/11 07:44
thanx! Imma watching y0u .hehe.
jaQui 2012/09/16 23:41
_dreamprince_: nice topic with good meaning,when GOD is around there is no evil

wesleyg 2012/09/26 20:40
-topmarks- Jacki .handshake.
jaQui 2014/05/26 09:38
wesleyg: -topmarks- Jacki .handshake.
thank u
jaQui 2015/11/10 20:26
_dreamprince_: nice topic with good meaning,when GOD is around there is no evil

Thank u, i agree with y0u.
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