Toilets of Satan by Iron-Monkey 2011/03/08 10:51
In a Masjid of France, a Shaikh turned to see only a few people who were present for Fajr Salah. Then he gave a short talk to remind them to be dutiful to their Lord. When talking about the current condition of the Muslim Ummah, he broke into tears and said the following words: The Muslims have become the toilets of Satan. Someone from the gathering asked the Shaikh to explain what he has just said. Then the Shaikh narrated the following hadith from Bukhari that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked about a man who sleeps until the morning comes, that is, after the time of the dawn prayer. He said, "That is a man whom Satan has urinated into his two ears."
jaQui 2011/03/10 16:45

Cute st0ry .flower1.
Lazy man /smiley

Eternal_Knight 2011/03/12 15:00
Nice story.......
_KJOE_ 2011/03/11 08:35
Nice story....
AL-JAWWAD_1 2011/03/12 19:02
Quote: jacki:
Cute st0ry .flower1.
Lazy man /smiley
girl you are not roaming in social zone to infiniting this as story /smiley this is hadit of Bukhari n i m sure you dont know what is Hadit n Bukhari. better meet me in my inbox.

_dreamprince_ 2011/03/12 19:06
Quote: AL-JAWWAD_1: girl you are not roaming in social zone to infiniting this as story /smiley this is hadit of Bukhari n i m sure you dont know what is Hadit n Bukhari. better meet me in my inbox.
stop fighting with her u dump,this topic is not about her /smileygrow up,

_dreamprince_ 2011/03/12 19:08
Quote: AL-JAWWAD_1: girl you are not roaming in social zone to infiniting this as story /smiley this is hadit of Bukhari n i m sure you dont know what is Hadit n Bukhari. better meet me in my inbox.
this is just a story /smiley now topics r moved to inbox then what the use of this forum,

AL-JAWWAD_1 2011/03/12 19:31
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: stop fighting with her u dump,this topic is not about her /smileygrow up,
so let her answer my question or you explain of what is Bukhari /smiley

AL-JAWWAD_1 2011/03/12 19:33
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: this is just a story /smiley now topics r moved to inbox then what the use of this forum,
with out understanding you peoples are posting anything /smiley please i want to know if you or jacki can explaine me what is Bukhari /smiley

_dreamprince_ 2011/03/12 19:34
Quote: AL-JAWWAD_1: with out understanding you peoples are posting anything /smiley please i want to know if you or jacki can explaine me what is Bukhari /smiley
well should we explaine u or the topic owner should do it,i wonder y didn't u explained about it,and y she we explain in just a story,move this topic to dolphin cry !

_dreamprince_ 2011/03/12 19:35
Quote: AL-JAWWAD_1: so let her answer my question or you explain of what is Bukhari /smiley
y should she explain u,under what reasons u asked her not the topic owner?

jaQui 2011/03/12 22:01
Quote: Eternal_Knight: Nice story.......

*agree wit u*/smiley

jaQui 2011/03/12 22:04
Quote: _KJOE_: Nice story....

*agree wit u*.flower1.

jaQui 2011/03/12 22:13
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: y should she explain u,under what reasons u asked her not the topic owner?

*agree wit u*.flower1.
Thanx God i d0nt need t0 explain myself t0 n0b0dy.....
The ppl wh0 kn0w me d0nt need it, and th0se wh0 d0nt kn0w me w0nt believe it/smiley

#78 Faith/Beliefs
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