symbian vs windows mobile vs android by PyRoMaNiAc2011/03/06 10:49 we dnt wnt ur immotional opinion here. State facts n features that come wit these operating systems
PyRoMaNiAc2011/03/20 06:26 I just got a blackberry torch. Os6 looks good and the chat features are better than with s60v5 Nokia.what I dnt lye though is how it is not compatible with simple apps that are lava like mxit and 2go. Overall I rate my new bb 2stars out of 5 and th n97 I used before 3stars cause it also had problems with freezing and the app signing is just a huge hussle
jay66002011/03/22 15:20 Symbian is a well Proven OS now its a few years more older than windows mobile ,android i havent got a clue about
jay66002011/03/22 15:23 And re the user complaining about the app signing being a real pain .if you buy the apps from the developer/retailers they will be signed for your device.....if go the free option you must do a little of the work and signing takes less than a minuate even in the device itselft
Quote: jay6600: And re the user complaining about the app signing being a real pain .if you buy the apps from the developer/retailers they will be signed for your device.....if go the free option you must do a little of the work and signing takes less than a minuate even in the device itselft
_HyPnOTiC_BaBe_2011/03/24 00:18 Android is awesome.. Supa fast n de best trust me!
_HyPnOTiC_BaBe_2011/03/24 00:20 I guess I gave my "IMMOTIONAl" opinion hea lmao.. buh it's supa fast fo sure..
PyRoMaNiAc2011/04/03 18:29 I tried signing. Its a hustle. I even got free signer but still I couldn't sign some apps. The OPDA root is no better. I never won with it. In terms of versitility and capabilities I am yet to use a phone that compares. I wold like to see this android Os in action. Is it open source?
veni2011/04/05 05:24 Android by Google is the World most prefered Operating system by now gaining more popularity day by day unlike Symbian OS which is very old and lost all its popularity because the O] was so expensive in the mobile phone. Nokia were the last to sign out Symbian after seeing the great market competition and from Windows and Android and decide to sign a new contract with Windows Mobile
veni2011/04/05 05:29 Android came out with a various number of Versions which include Android Donut 1.6, Claire 2.0, Froyo 2.1, Gingerbread 2.3 and Honeycomb 3.0 for tablet (Motorola XOOM).
The company is now working to develop the new Version which is the combination of Android Gingerbread and HoneyComb to build Android Icecream
veni2011/04/05 05:33 Android has a tramendous big number of Mobile Applications within a short time to over 250,000 up to March this year.
Android Market has gain popularity because of its acceptance to the third party application makers and SDK developers to create applications also
veni2011/04/05 05:36 Android is the best than Symbian which is dead and burried already since the divorce from Nokia her ever best mate since it`s begun in the late 1998`s.
So far Linux are on the way to build their new upcoming Operating System.
Quote: pyRoMaNiAc: I tried signing. Its a hustle. I even got free signer but still I couldn't sign some apps....
some new phone in v5 ^1 ^3 cant hack we just still use free signer , other ways its crack file firmware before its flashing to phone . But hard to get firmware already crack )
jokie2011/04/23 02:13 Symbian beat some os like a lin ux , windows mo bile and some phone os , but last im hear nokia gone leave symbian n focus to new os , for android can be big os in next ... The market , free firmware make it easy to developer support it
PyRoMaNiAc2011/04/23 06:05 I hear that alot of people like android. I cnt comment since I have not used myself yet. Bt I wanna knw if it is open source because I have software I got from a computer mag PC FORMAT that allowes me to make my own applications and widgets and sign them. Can the same be said for android?
LostProphet2011/07/04 16:52 With the three os offered android is by far the best. Symbian was great about 4 years ago, but it hasnt been updated properly. Even nokia are dropping it now. Looks as though there going to wp7. And windows mobile is dated too. Though wp7 is looking good but suffers from a closed platform, and currently is quite buggy. Give it time to get a good update and maybe. But thats microsoft syndrom for you. Lanch it then fix it later.