Eating your toe nails? by OceanGoddes 2011/03/03 21:43
Have you ever tried it before? You've nibbled on your finger nails though it's poisonous so why not start nibbling on your toe nails?yack! When you hav a short supply would you target your feet of it's resources?.lol. Or you'd just clip them off not eat?

fu9it1v3 2011/03/03 21:49
Oh my goodness, of course I clip them out, not eat them, sounds way too disgusting to do it otherwise, yaikz!
Saintless 2011/03/03 22:04
There's no way I would do it... No way! I even always keep my nails short... Letting them long is like a torture!
Laketempest 2011/03/03 22:34
/smiley the toe nail? Not me, no no no, lol not at all, not in a million years, my dragon toe claws.
Eleto 2011/03/04 07:16
Toe nails? -nana- cnt think of that!
Eternal_Knight 2011/03/04 14:15
My head doesnt reach till my toe ....
Joker 2011/03/04 18:35
You surely have a good imagination, lol.
Basim360 2011/03/04 23:26
Kanchan 2011/03/05 04:38
-Annie- 2011/03/13 04:19
nah never do that
Ice-Fairy 2011/03/31 14:09
Ewww dat is jst gross!
Manal 2011/08/08 00:09
Yuck its bad habit
jay6600 2011/08/08 02:26
GoodGreif WTF!
CoDe 2011/08/08 06:06
Dirt, can't do it.
Dallah 2011/08/08 19:03
agbemafleaugustine 2011/08/08 23:55
over my dead what way?for wat reason?-nana-
Spongebob360 2011/08/11 21:18
NO WAYS!!!!!!! -barf- I woul die!
Boet 2011/08/13 22:12
Gross!! How could one kiss another with that same mouth??
Manal 2011/08/14 01:29
no its not good way
MaG 2011/08/14 05:30
Never tried /smiley
Manal 2012/02/24 18:02
Replies: 34

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