Eagle facts by Eternal_Knight 2011/03/03 10:47
*.Bald Eagles are not really bald. Their head is actually covered with white feathers. The white feathers on their head comes when they are 5 or 6 years old. Baby eagles are partially covered with down, but when they leave the nest, they have dark feathers all over. The female can be one third larger than the male. They have wide long wings that help them stay in the air. A Bald Eagles wing span is normally 8 feet..
Eternal_Knight 2011/03/03 10:50
*.Usually they live near the sea. They only live in trees 75 feet or higher. Bald Eagles add to their nest over and over. Sometimes it can take a pair of eagles as long as six weeks to build their nest for the first time. The eyrie is the large nest made of sticks and lined with twigs and green grass. The heaviest nest ever found is 1 ton. (That's 2000 pounds!)
Eternal_Knight 2011/03/03 10:50
*.They mate for life. The female may lay from one to three eggs and raises one brood (group) a year. If these eggs are destroyedthe female may lay more eggs. Ittakes four weeks for an eagle egg to hatch. Eaglets grow slowly and need a large amount of food.
Eternal_Knight 2011/03/03 10:52
*.Bald Eagles normally eat fish. Sometimes they will eat snakes and smaller birds. They have long sharp beaks and curved talons to help hold prey. They can fly with 8 pounds of food. Bald Eagles help man by catchingrodents and rabbits that destroy grain fields.
Eternal_Knight 2011/03/03 10:54
*.Eagles have great eyesight that helps them see for one to one and a half miles away. (Thusthe termeagles eye) They can dive at 100 miles per hour. Theireyesight and diving ability help them catch food.
_rOcK_ 2011/03/03 11:24
after lake you are up with facts /smiley
Eternal_Knight 2011/03/03 11:29
Quote: _rOcK_oN_: after lake you are up with facts /smiley

helpin him..

Laketempest 2011/03/03 11:39
Quote: Eternal_Knight:
helpin him..
good facts man /smiley

Zaphara 2011/03/03 12:16
/smiley nice job,bro...
LoneLy_heArt 2011/03/03 12:51
nice info -
samii 2011/03/03 18:45
nice eagle facts
_KJOE_ 2011/03/07 04:29
/smiley interesting.
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