Homosexuality by chocolate.boy 2011/02/28 06:33
Homosexuality and Lesbianism have no place in Islam. This issue is clear from the primary source of Islam, The Holy Quran. No Muslim scholar, Imam or a leader of a Muslim community can alter this injunction. A person committing such an act is in violation of God's Law and should seek repentence before God gives up on him or her. As the following verses tell us, it was the people of prophet Lot (peace be on him) who started this evil act and were severly punished by God.

We also (sent) Lut: he said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? "For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." And his people gave no answer but this: they said, "drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!" But We saved him and his family, except his wife: she was of those who lagged behind. And We rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime! (The Holy Quran, 7:80-84)

Let us all pray that God will spare us from His wrath. Let us pray that we will be among those to whom He has favored and not among those who have gone astray. Ameen.

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/02/28 10:03
Guess theres Gonna be plenty of em going to hell then eh?lol
DotmonKing 2011/02/28 12:00
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: Guess theres Gonna be plenty of em going to hell then eh?lol
of course yes...

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/02/28 12:07
Quote: Nurudeen: of course yes...
My goodness you'll be on fire? /smiley

Lindi102 2011/02/28 18:49
yup may he spare us
DotmonKing 2011/03/01 08:22
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: My goodness you'll be on fire? /smiley
do i look like an homo? I'd rather be a pig

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/03/01 10:46
Quote: Nurudeen: do i look like an homo? I'd rather be a pig
I didn't say that .../smiley I just said you would be on fire...re-hell.

STAIN 2011/03/02 04:45
Thats a disgusting lust I ever know of in my life. They needs God intervention in thy life.
Zeast 2011/03/02 07:42
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: I didn't say that .../smiley I just said you would be on fire...re-hell.
. . . Why w0d e be 0n fire ? ? ?

sassie 2011/09/17 13:44
boring topic
haris 2011/09/17 14:15
absolutely correct.. Awesome topic..-up-
Yemyem 2011/10/25 11:44
Leisbianism and homosexual is a sin b4 GOD
ACIDized 2011/11/11 16:57
Homo's are disgrace!
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